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"The gas contains some of my spinal fluid. Breathing just a slight amount of it makes Subjects of Ymir freeze up. They can't control their bodies and lose consciousness. On my command, I send the Power of the Titans to the coordinate via paths. That's why the people of that village obeyed my orders." Zeke explained.

"It's not that village. It's Ragako. Don't forget the name of the village you slaughtered, you bearded shit." Levi said.

"Well, I didn't want to do it. But if I hadn't, and they found out I was sided with Eldia, I couldn't have brought hope to the Island. You know, I told you all of this when I landed on the Island. Why do you keep asking?" Zeke asked.

"You don't have a shred of guilt in you and it shows. You may or may not want to save Eldia, but those lives meant nothing to you." Levi said.

"You can't have been popular. You think you know everybody's feelings. I can't imagine what your son has to deal with." Zeke said.

"Don't talk about my son. And I do know. And I was popular enough." Levi said.

"Well, ain't it great? So? When will Eren and I begin the test?" Zeke asked.

"It's not up to me. We're waiting for HQ." Levi said.

"They may think they have time to spare, but they don't." Zeke said.

"I'm with you there." Levi said.

"Captain Levi!" One of the Scouts said running over.

The Scout whispered something into his ear.

"What?!" Levi exclaimed.

Levi and two Scouts got onto the treetops.

"Zachary was killed?" Levi asked.

"Yes. The Jaegerist effectively control everything in the walls." The Scouts said. "We think it's all part of some plan put together using Yelena and Eren. "

"And?" Levi asked.

"Soon, the Jaegerists may bring Eren to see Zeke like they've been demanding." The Scout said.

"And Pyxis? Is he letting this happen?" Levi asked.

"As you know the commander can be quite stubborn." The other Scout said.

"He's gonna make sure Eren gets our own hands," Levi said.

"That's right." The Scout said.

"I've saved Eren, over and over, each time more comrades dying. Even risking my own son to save him. All because I believed he was the hope for humanity. And look where this belief got me. It's like some awful joke. What the hell was the hope we saw? All that struggle for a farce like this?" Levi thought.

"Such bullshit. It's not even funny." Levi said out loud.

"I was instructed to tell you this last." The Scout said. "Lando Ackerman is an important figure in the Jaegerists movement."


"Lando Ackerman is a figure in the Jaegerists." The Scout said.

"Leave me," Levi instructed. "Now."

The Scouts got off the tree and Levi sat down on the tree branch.

"That brat. Or well my brat. What the hell did you just do? What do you see in Eren to follow him? Am I really such a failure of a father that my own son turned against me? But then I have only been in your life for a few years and missed so much of your life. Maybe I deserve this. It was a mistake to think that he could forget everything and I could repair a relationship with him." Levi thought.

Levi Ackerman's SonWhere stories live. Discover now