Chapter 6

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Wednesday, Faith and Miss Weems were in the car driving back to Nevermore with Faith in the back and Wednesday in the passenger seat and Miss Weems diving. faith just looking out the window of the car.

"your first day and you're already on Sheriff Galpin's radar," Miss Weems says to Wednesday

"you can't blame Wednesday for something you did," Faith said back to Miss Weems saying how she had seen things going on back at the coffee shop.

"What is that support to mean faith,"

" the sheriff was more on me than Wednesday till you called Wednesday ms Addams or whatever you called her" Faith explained to Miss Weems knowing that she was right about this.

"What did he mean about my father?" Wednesday's question Miss Weems moved the conversation on from what Faith said.

"I have no idea but a word of advice. stop making enemies and start making a few friends you're going to need them." Miss Weems says to Wednesday

"That sounds like a threat and you don't need friends," Faith said

"look like an accident I hope the diver's okay," Miss Weems said back after seeing the accident and not saying anything back to Faith's comment.

"he's dead," Faith says back to Miss Weems using her hearing to see if there is a heartbeat in the car and there not being one.

"Broken his neck," Wednesday says back to Miss Weems.

"How can you tell from this angle"Miss Weems questions Wednesday and Faith on how they can what happened. Wednesday did not answer and took out the neckless her mother gave her when she first got to the school moving in between her fingers. 

faith looked over that Wednesday seeing using the neckless between her fingers. wonder why the girl seems different from the question asked by Miss Weems. but more importantly, why would Wednesday do half the things like bringing up overhearing her and trying to push her, to tell the truth with something that the girl was clearly trying to say wasn't true? The girl was becoming more of a mystery to faith, not something she liked not all.


Wednesday was setting up her cello to play out on the balcony, Wednesday used the help of Thing to get her cello out to the balcony. Wednesday started to play her cello playing Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones and getting lost in the music while Wednesday was playing. thing turns the pages when Wednesday need it. Wednesday finished the song she looked at that thing when he asked her something.

"no, I don't really feel better," Wednesday says back to the hand "There's just something wrong with this place not just because it's school," after Wednesday finished talking the hand has Enid walked out to the balcony.

"how the hell did you get your oversized violin out of the widow" Enid questioned the girl

"I had an extra hand" Wednesday says and the hand waved that enid saying hi to her.

"woah where's the rest of him," Enid says after seeing Thing not sure of what else to say.

"it's one of the great Addams family mysteries" With that being said things moved off of the stand and started to make his way back into the dorm's room. in the background, Wednesday and Enid can hear Werewolf wolfing out so was starts to wonder why her roommate was here and not doing that instarred. " why aren't you wolfing out"

"because I can't," Enid says to Wednesday bringing up her hand and showing her claws to Wednesday "That's all I got. My mum says some wolves are late bloomers but I've been to the best lycanologist. I had to fly to Milwaukee would you believe it? yeah, she says there a chance I may never you know."

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