charter 13

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Wednesday and Faith are sitting in a chair with their hand tied tight behind their back. with both of them being awake with the bag over their heads making so they couldn't see hadn't thing. but of course, Faith knows who is already in the room with them. two different people come up faith and Wednesday to take off the bag from their heads.

the people who took the bag off their heads move back to their places. the group of people had a light on the two people in chairs so they couldn't see that well.

"who dares breach our inner sanctum" someone says of the millde of the group. the so-called leader of the group.

"you can take the mask off, Bianca," Wednesday says making Bianca take off the mask and turn off the light. 

"wait, I preferred you with it on,"

"you shouldn't have said anything then,"

"how'd you get down here?" Xavier asked Wednesday.

"Rowan showed me. left pocket," Wednesday said making Xavier go into her pocket to grab the price of paper Wednesday had there." I traced the watermark down to the Poe statue. then I solved the riddle. then I solved the riddle,"

"wait there's a riddle? I thought we just snapped twice." one of the members says making all the people in the room look at him.

"well aren't you the brightest in the bunch?"Wednesday says back that one of the people in the group didn't know about the riddle.

"I think if you're going to have a little club people shouldn't know about you should make them solve the riddle first or something like that," Faith says back thinking of a better way to run things.

" the nightshades are an elite social club, with emphasis on elite," Bianca says to the two non-members in the room.

"We have roof parties, camp-out, the occasional midnight skinny dip," Yoko says

"And Yoko's an amateur mixologist," another member of the club says

"She makes a killer virgin mojito. it can get pretty wild," Ajax comments.

"wow. do you guys even have a bedtime?" Wednesday questions the group with Wednesday glowing more bored of what is happening. "last I heard, the nightshades had been disbanded,"

"yeah the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died" Xavier explained to them

"Why" Faith shot back.

"what do you mean why someone died" Xavier says back

"if someone died why would that change anything to a social club."

"but we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves," Yoko explains trying to make on the conservation.

"Someone like Rowan?"

"We booted that loser last semester. question is what are we gonna do with them? only members are allowed in this library,"

"I say we invite her to pledge," Xavier says for Wednesday in joining the nightshades.

"What?" Bianca question not wanting Wednesday or faith in the group

"she is legacy," Xavier points out pointing at one of the photos on the wall.

"After the crap she pulled in the poe cup, there's no way in hell," Bianca says back then making something up so she couldn't join if she wanted to. but at the same time, it is somewhat true for Wednesday." We talk about not making waves? she a tuunami."

"Just because I beat you at your own game? let me save you the trouble. I'm not interested in joining. I'm also sure faith is the same as me."

"you're seriously turning us down?" Yoko question Wednesday.

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