Chapter 11

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Wednesday goes back to her dorm room after getting out of Xavier's dorm room. only getting back to a sobbing enid who looks up when she hears the widow open and someone coming in through the widow. seeing Wednesday walk back into the dorm room.

"where have you been, I'm literally having a heart attack right now. Yoko's in the infirmary," Enid says to Wednesday in an ever-upset tone.

"What happened?" Wednesday question enid.

"garlic bread incident at dinner, she had a major allergic reaction, which means she out of the poe cup and I don't have a co-pilot"

" It wasn't an accident. Bianca's behind it." Wednesday told enid

"how do you know?"

" doesn't matter, you and I are going to take her down tomorrow,"

"wait. you're joining the black cat You're willing to do that? for me?" Enid questioned Wednesday

"I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defeat Bruns in her throat,"

"yeah but mostly you're doing it because we're friends, right?" Enid asks Wednesday who turns around from her.

"tell me  how she keeps winning"

"It's a real brain cramp. the past two years no other boat has made it across the lake and back without sinking" Enid explains to Wednesday how she thinks Bianca wins every year.

"sounds like sabotage,"

"There are no rules in the Poe Cup and she is a siren, which makes her master of the water,"

"then we just need to beat her at her own game," Wednesday says back to Enid thinking of different ways they could win this year. "what weapon does the boost have?" 

"none," Enid said wondering where Wednesday was going with this.

"ok I'll be back later," Wednesday told Enid before leaving her dorm room for the night to work on the boat on her way. so that way she should win the Poe Cup this year.


It was now the next morning and today was the Poe Cup. The whole school was looking forward to today and the race that would happen. Bianca was walking around like any other year thinking she would win again.  Wednesday walks up to Enid so they can start the being of the race.

"we're all set" Enid says to Wednesday.

"Good. thing's in position," Wednesday tells Enid what is happening with Thing.

"you wanna tell me what you two were up to all night?" Enid says wanting to know what Wednesday added to the boat.

"and spoil the surprise?"

"speaking of surprises, your costume is in the tent," Enid says back to Wednesday and mentions the costume for the first time to Wednesday.

"costume?" Wednesday question not liking the idea of wearing a costume at all. and with that, Enid walked off to show Wednesday where she would be changing into the black cat costume.

Wednesday walks into the tent after Enid who put on her costume before Wednesday was in the tent before Wednesday changed into the black cat costume. then leaving the tent in the black cat costume with Enid coming up to speak to Wednesday.

"OMG, you look purr-fect," Enid says looking at Wednesday and noticing she doesn't have the whisker on her face. "only thing, where are your whiskers"

"ask again, and you'll be down to eight lives," Wednesday tells Enid not liking the fact of having to wear them. She already had to wear the block cat costumes, Wednesday think that is enough for her to deal with. right now.

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