Chapter 16

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Wednesday stops when the monster footprints turn from monster to human footprints. making both of the girls look at each other with the same thing going on in their heads.

"the monster's human,"

"well, that just makes this harder then,"

"what the hell are you doing?" someone comes up from behind both of them. they both turn to see Xavier standing there who moves over to Wednesday to cover her with the umbrella he has with him.

"We were following the monster"

"you saw it? it here? do you have a death wish? or something"

"what exactly are you doing out here?" Wednesday questioned Xavier wanting to know why he was out in the woods just after the monster disappeared.

" I overheard you say you were checking out the old meeting house. I guess it's lucky I showed up when I did,"

"why what are you going to do? throw yourself in front of the monster to give Wednesday a chance to get away?" Faith questioned knowing him knowing he couldn't do anything if the monster attacked them.


"fight the monster then,"


"so you are saying you could do nothing if the monster were to attack us right now? other than running away like a coward,"

"well, we did learn one thing. the monster human. it tracks go from monster print to human ones." Wednesday told Xavier saying what they were learning.

"show me," Xavier suggests not like he could just look down on the ground to find them himself. Wednesday turn around and look to the ground to see that the footprint on the ground has been washed away by both rain.

"the rain washed them all away, "Wednesday tells Xavier making him scoff that Wednesday said not believing her at all. " I know what I saw"

"little outcast I wouldn't waste my time talking to someone like Xavier,"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Xavier questioned faith. wanting to stand up for himself in front of Wednesday, trying to impress her.

"you are a crybaby that likes to be a victim of what happened to you when it was your fault and no one else. so that way people like you more," Faith comments back making Xavier open and close his mouth knowing if he spoke it would put him in a bad light to Wednesday. " and there it goes you wanting to be liked and you know what I'm talking about would not go in your favour." faith finished off then walking off with Wednesday following her.

" I do think you might be right about Rowan," Xavier said

"Why the sudden change of heart," Wednesday questioned

" I texted him again today. I said maybe we could meet up over spring break and go snowboarding like we did last year. this time he texted right back, said he wouldn't be able to make it,"

"but you too much of a coward to do anything like that" Faith said back not in the mood to deal with him anymore.

"Only you never went snowboarding last year,"

"part of me wanted to blame his recent weirdness. I didn't want to think something bad had happened,"

"the cover-up is always worse than the crime,"

"Not if it is your crime," Faith says from what she knows from her past.

"Now I need you to be honest with me," Xavier says before getting cut off by faith.

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