Chapter 22

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warnings: death

Wednesday, Faith and Eugene are walking through the woods to the cave in the picture Xavier drew, with Eugene knowing where it looked like it was. Wednesday had questions on her mind.

but the question Wednesday had she didn't want to ask unless she knew it was the same place in the picture. but the walk was longer than the other two were expecting it to be. As they got close to the place Eugene was taking them she could see it was a match.

" it definitely a match. what were you doing out here?" Wednesday tell Eugene to look at the picture to ensure it is right.

"collecting specimens. this place is ground zero for horny gypsy moths. Do you think it's in there?" Eugene asked the two.

"only one way to find out," Wednesday answered Eugene, with faith having a different answer for them.

"no, it is not in there. I can not hear it in there, "making both Wednesday and Eugene look at her. with Eugene not knowing anything about faith power. but with Wednesday showing something new to her. not something she was expecting that could have super hearing.

" I'm not a huge fan of enclosed space. I'm claustrophobic," Eunege tells them with both Wednesday and Faith going inside the cave.

"if you hear me screaming bloody murder there's a good chance I'm just enjoying myself, Wednesday says before going into the cave.

"Well, that's not what I want to hear at all. before going inside a cave with you," Faith somewhat jokes before heading into the cave after Wednesday.

both Wednesday and Faith made it to the bottom of the cave with Faith using her magic to make another ball of light like she did the last time they met up with each other the right they looked into the nightshades.

"This is definitely it's lair," Wednesday comments.

after both of them are down in the cave Eugene comes into the cave.

"are those human?" Eugene asked. that said, Wednesday look down at the ground to see all the bones. so Wednesday keenly down to the ground to grab one of the bones to see what it looked like.

"no I think it's got a taste for venison," Wednesday tells Eugene for the most part he wants to know. and he was hoping that it was not human bones down on the ground.

Faith was looking around the cave seeing if she could see anything there that shouldn't be there. she spots some chains on a wall of the cave, which is something that should not be in a cave at all.

"little outcast found something," Faith tells Wednesday. making Wednesday drop the bone and walk over to where Faith is looking at the chains. before grabbing one and letting it fall against the wall.

with that, Wednesday doesn't think there could be anything more in the cave to find out about the monster. it was making her turn to leave the cave disappointed at finding nothing more.

but to her luck with her head down she saw something in the cave wall. making her band down to get a closer look at it, making sure it just did not have anything to do with the cave itself and should or shouldn't be there.

" Yahtzee," Wednesday said pulling the claw out from the cave wall. and putting it into a plastic bag.

"What is that," Eugene questioned as Wednesday put the claw in her bag.

"concrete proof," Wednesday answered before leaving the cave.


Wednesday went back to Xavier's shed to see if she could find something to match the monster craw she found in the cave. of course, Faith decides to go with her so that way she can see the shed.

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