Chapter 21

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Wednesday is walking out of the sheriff's office and has just finished talking to the sheriff. with the only thing she got from him was you need to find me something better to go off of.

before she ends up running into Faith who has a coffee in her hand. most likely just when to the weathervane Wednesday think to herself before going over to talk with her. about what going on in the case and any update Faith needs for it.

but of course, she left out the fact that she was going to the dance with Xavier to her. not wanting to see how faith reacts to that. then once again questioning why she cares what Faith thinks of her.

of course, they were talking almost right in front of the sheriff's station. where Tyler had to come up to the two. and start talking to Wednesday.

"don't want to say what trouble you're in now,"

"Nothing I can't handle. your father is particularly frustrated today. avoid, "Wednesday and recommend that the same time. seeing has now she was being made to talk to Tyler to not be rude. just in case she needs his help later on.

"yeah welcome to my world. you guys have the raven'n coming up this weekend. right?" Wednesday just glares at Tyler for bringing up the dance that she is going to. not be her own will. sort of.

"I must be the only one not obsessed with this stupid dance,"

"hey," Faith commented as to say she was not obsessed with the dance as well.


"you should make it two not obsessed with the dance," Faith says back with the both of them going into a glare off to see who would win. but no one backing down. before Tyler has to ruin the content between them.

"so you're not going then?" Tyler asked in the hope of asking Wednesday to the dance. before Wednesday answered the question she looked that faith. but that looking her in the eye like she would always do. before turning back around to Tyler and answering his question.

"Actually, I was forced to ask someone as an act of self-preservation,"

"sure that happened. I guess" Tyler says before Faith cuts him off before he can get more words out.

" an act of self-preservation, it happens more than you would think. it mainly depends on what lifestyle you have,"

"I'm not talking to you"Tyler somewhat snaped that faith. making Faith take a step toward Tyler glowing amber eye at him. In a treat of I will tear you apart if you speak to me like that again.

making Tyler take two steps back to make sure Faith couldn't reach him. not like it would help him at all. Wednesday seeing how Faith reacts to Tyler moves over to her putting her hand on her lower back to try and say calm down to her.

of course, Tyler doesn't like that one bit. consider he was the one in danger and she helped Faith, not him.

"so who is it?" Tyler questioned trying to move past what just happened.

"Xavier," Wednesday says. making Tyler look like her in disbelief at the fact she is going with Xavier.

"got it. hope you two have fun," Tyler says while turning away to walk.

"I'm not sure why you're becoming upset. faith not," Wednesday says with the last bit of disappointment in her voice.

"yeah, that's kind of the problem. I mean call me crazy Wednesday but keep giving me these signals,"

"it's not my fault I can't interpret your emotional morse code,"

"then let me spell it out for you. I thought we liked each other, but then you pull something like this and I have no idea where I stand. I mean am I in the more than friend zone or just a pawn in some game you're playing,"

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