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Wednesday was in the Weathervane looking at a bulletin board waiting for Tyler so she could ask for his help finding the old meeting house and knowing that he should know where the meeting house is. but to her luck, Wednesday gets noticed by Xavier who is working here clearing off a people table who was just sitting down there before Wednesday arrived at the weathervane. 

"I thought you were supposed to be at Pilgrim World," Xavier questioned Wednesday on why she was here.

"I deserted it while my sanity was still intact" Wednesday comments back

"Oh yeah. Do you want a coffee? it's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment" Xavier asked hoping Wednesday would say yes so they could talk more.

"I'm actually here for Tyler," Wednesday tells him.

"I told you he was bad news,"

"twice but who I speak to is my business" Wednesday says before walking over to a bell on the counter and pushing the button on the counter so Tyler would come out so he could help her out.

"you rang?" Tyler questioned Wednesday but at the same time, he looked annoyed by what he was dealing with. Wednesday turns and glares that Xavier telling him to leave with a look. "want the usual?"

"and some help," Wednesday tells Tyler before moving over to her bag, grabbing a map of Jericho out and putting it on the table. " you know the original pilgrim meeting house the one from 1600? do you know if it is still around?"

"what's left of it is out in Cobham Woods but it's still around"

"show me"

"there" Tyler points somewhere on the map to show Wednesday where the old meeting house is. "but look it's kind of sketchy. squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad. my dad has it cleared out every couple of weeks. what's this about?"

"Nothing," Wednesday tells Tyler not seeing a reason to tell him anything about what she is doing.

"you're really becoming obsessed with this whole monster in the woods thing," Tyler asked Wednesday

"pretty sure it's more of the wolf in the woods than the monster at this point at least," Faith says coming out of nowhere making Tyler jump her study appears and Wednesday looks shocked to see her not hearing her coming at all.

"would you rather I develop an obsession with horse and boy bands? thank you for the help"

"hey listen the ruins are kind of tricky to find. I could take you this afternoon. my shift ends at 2:00" Tyler says hoping to take Wednesday there.

"Principal Weems would hang, draw and quarter me if I missed the bug statue dedication. and as enticing as that sounds I'd profile. behind I know my way around the great outdoors," Wednesday tells Tyler.

"don't tell me you were a girl scout,"

"I could eat Girl Scouts for breakfast. actually, I have an uncle who went to prison for that."

"of course you do. where you going anyways" Faith asked not hearing what Wednesday said about where she was going before she put herself in the convection.

"the old meeting house"

"Well I'm tagging along then," Faith tells Wednesday

"no, you have to do work" Tyler tries to tell Faith not wanting her to go with Wednesday well he couldn't.

"and how about you be a good little puppy and get back to work yourself then," Faith said back before moving her hand down making Tyler drop down a his knees. making him question why he did that. one of the many perks of people not knowing what you are.

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