Chapter 9

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Wednesday was in Ms Thornhill's classroom talking to Thing who was behind a plant hiding from all of the other students in the room. with that being said it was making Wednesday look like she was talking to herself. Ms Thornhill was taking up the front of the room with the work for today was going to be.

" how do you lose him in a bathroom with no windows?" Wednesday question the hand. still not thinking back to what Faith said to her early that day. Thing did his best to shrug for Wednesday. " a lefty wouldn't have failed me." Wednesday say back to that. like it is not a hand going what when more then a hand should be able to do in the first and not making a difference if Thing was left hand or a right hand.

to which Thing just sulks that the mean comment Wednesday made because he tried his best. " don't sulk. now going to have to find new evidence myself. since you're the one who lost only the lead.unless Faith knows more than she is saying." 

Bianca seeing Wednesday talk to herself decides to go up to her and make an unneeded comment about it. "I see you finally made a friend, even if it is a plant,"

"I go for quality over quantity," Wednesday says moving past Bianca to look for a place to sit not seeing not free table with no one on a table already but the spot next to Faith was no one there.

but just as Wednesday was about to move over to where Faith was someone spoke to her. and to her luck it just so happened to be Xavier. "there's an open spot next to me. if you can stand sitting  that close to an elitist snob," seeing as Wednesday was about to walk off and sit somewhere else Xavier adds "There is no other free spot in this class,"

forcing Wednesday to look back at Xavier because there was one other chair with no one in it that she could go to. " there are two chairs in this room with no one in them" Wednesday said back before going to walk off again.

" yes but no one is allowed to sit next to Faith"

"says who"

" every other person that goes to this school."

"why" Wednesday questioned Xavier wanting to learn more about the girl and her past in neremorer. the very little people will say about it.

"when she first got here someone took the seat next to her and he didn't make it through the class needing to go to the infirmary" Xavier explains to Wednesday trying to make her sit next to him. but from what she has seen in faith and knew about the girl if she did that she had her reason for doing so.

from the very little Wednesday knew about faith she knew faith could go all out on her and put her in the infirmary like the last person who sat next to her. but in Wednesday's head, she knew faith had her reason for what she did like everyone else. even if no one else knows why people do something there is a reason before it. and there was the fact that faith also pushed her out of the way and saved her life, for no reason Wednesday can see that all. and this could be a good chance to get to know the faith better.

"I'll take my chance," Wednesday said to Xavier before she walked off to sit next to Faith. with that Wednesday sit next to Faith making her look over that Wednesday as she questions her on what she is doing.

has Xavier finished drawing his spider he made it come to life by moving on hand over the paper in was drawing on. and after he did this he moved the spider over to where Wednesday was sitting. the spider climbed up onto the table making the Wednesday and Faith look at it. 

Ms. Thornhill looked over to where Wednesday where sitting to see the spider and know who was going it said. " I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks. Mr Thorpe"

"admit it, you're a little impressed," Xavier said looking over that Wednesday and trying to see if that made her impressed at all. Wednesday just look at the spider not caring about the thing. but then Wednesday put her hand above the spider and put it down to kill it or unmake the spider.

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