chapter 9

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Ellenor pov:

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Ellenor pov:

Its 2am in the morning, I have trouble sleeping more, I can't sleep more than 3-4 hours and mostly will have weird nightmares at that time too. The nightmares usually will be of a young girl, happily playing with her family, everyone's faces would always be in black in those nightmares and it would be of the same girl but different age, sometimes she will be 4-5 or 8-9 etc.

Anyways the main point is I am not able to sleep because of that and now here I am in my gym attire ready to let off some heat. I got a house tour the previous day and not to brag but I am quite good at remembering stuff. I remember all the good deeds and bad deeds people have done towards me and I return 5x of what I receive.

This house has one insane amount of rooms in it. A movie theater, indoor pool, outdoor pool, gym, boxing room, computer room, 2 libraries, everyone has a private study on top of that and what not.

currently I am carrying a water bottle and a towel found in the walk in closet and going towards the gym, very quietly. I love a morning exercise, it keeps myself healthy and my body in shape. I am very much capable enough to protect myself.


Its 4am now, anyone in the russo's might wake up and the last thing i'd want is to get caught right now, fully covered in sweat and messy hair. I wore a full sleeved shirt as a precaution if anyone just in the slightest chance saw me. now question arises "what about the security or the cameras etc" well apparently the russos prefer privacy so they are heavily guarded from the outside but not the inside of the mansion which is very unexpected if I am being honest and as for cameras, I will hack into them and clear all evidence.

On the way to my room, I paused and stared at the entrance door, so much happened so quickly... Just as I was about to turn to go back to my room, the door swing opens and some black figures enter into the house. Its was 4:12 in the morning, who would enter the Russo's house at this time? is it an assassin? but which assassin would be stupid enough to enter the house through the front door. Then one of the men turn towards me, he was shocked to see someone up this early, he calls out Isabella, elisa, but I don't say a word.

I can see him stiffen up and alert. He points a pistol towards me and the other 2 behind him also pointing their while walking slowly towards me. I kept my thoughts calm and composed and then remembered Leonardo yesterday said his father and others will be arriving today, didn't tell the fact they will arrive this early though.

I fix my hair a bit then place my hands in my top's pockets and casually walk towards them. I knew they were ready to shoot me anytime but I am not scared. This was rather fun.

I walk towards a table downstairs with all there guns following me and them telling me to "stop where I am or regret it" etc. All useless bullshit. Maybe its because of the cool night air combined with my lack of sleep or whatever but I am in mood to mess around right now.

I walk towards them with the room light controller in my hand and when I reach about a feet away from the man in the front, I point the controller like I have a gun in my hand and say

"Lets see who regrets what."

Then bam I open the lights and not to my surprise, the man did fire the gun but it didn't hit me, just grazed my right cheek and gave me a scratch. I can feel the bitter blood dripping down my cheeks slowly, but there reactions when they saw my eyes is totally worth it.

The men's hands lowered, jaws dropped, eyes wide opened and the most surprised face I have ever seen and the girl was shocked but mainly confused.

Everyone is rushing down after hearing the gun shot. They spot me at the scene of "crime" and bombard me with questions  but stop after seeing the blood on my face. 

mother whips the blood on my face and Alvoro brings the first aid kit to me. Everyone furiously turn towards those three strangers and yell at them very angrily. If it was any normal person then they would've had there heart "melted" seeing so many people getting angry for them but I am not very normal.

" Why the hell did you shot my daughter  you old man? have your eyes went bad because of your old age huh! "  mother furiously yelled at the man who shot me while hitting his shoulder repeatedly.

"M-My daughter, she's back, my little girl"  the man stuttered.

Alvoro aided to my cheeks and sofia was in elisa's arms surprisingly not crying, maybe she's just too sleepy or whatever but I am glad she wasn't crying.

My attention turns towards those three strangers to me who's name I still don't know.

The man who shot me was looking at me with such emotions with those green eyes, emotions i probably have never even felt before, like his shattered dreams were shown hope. Being honest, I am jealous. A lovely family able to feel positive emotions so beautifully and always there for each other, would I have also smiled with pure innocence if I had better parents? but its of no use now.

Its all in the past like the way it should be, I am who I am now after all  my experiences and I am proud of myself for never giving up no matter the situation.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I hear mothers voice telling us all to quite down, she brings me forward and introduces those three to me.

Alessandro Russo, my elder most sibling by blood. He had green eyes like rest of the boys and dark hair which might look black at once but are dark brown, he had a muscular built and a nicely proportioned body.

Natasha Russo, Alessandro's wife, she is about my height but a bit taller, black hair and dark brown eyes almost black, very fit body and a slim waist, even with her soundingly very simple appearance but she is no less then a perfectly painted portrait

Then lastly..... My dad...

Hey my fellow wattpad readers, I am up with a new chapter, hope you like it.

Don't forget to vote and comment, see you next time.😊

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