Getting Ready

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{G E T T I N G   R E A D Y }

What is a normal day in a normal high school girl's life?

Waking up, getting ready, eating breakfast, going to school, gossiping with friends, surviving through the day and all that boring stuff.

But I am not a normal high school anymore.


Because the author decided to make me the main character in a wattpad yandere story.

And an even better thing?

I'm actually you. (Y/N).

I will be living in this story with your name and face.

Or rather, you'll be seeing yourself in me in this story.
So... Are you ready?

Dealing with three impossible demons isn't that easy after all.

Especially when they obsess over you.
Anything can happen anytime.
Anyone could die, brutal or easy.
Either they'll break you or they'll make you.

Maybe you'll grow to love them, maybe you'll hate them with all your guts.
Who knows?
Wanna proceed?

[Y E S]

[Y E S]

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