Chapter 19: I Missed You

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The last bell rung, indicating the end of school day.

Students started filling in the hallways, eager to go home and relax after yet another tiring day.

I was walking back home with Carter as Jenna had to stay back to collect the notes and assignments she had missed from the teachers and clear away the doubts she might have had.

"Jenna said that she'll go back home since her injuries are already out in the open and there's no point in avoiding her family anymore." I sighed.

"Yeah, obviously. But I think it's better that everything's revealed to the town. We won't have to think up of any lies and it feels like a burden is off of us."

"Burden off of us? I feel like I've gained more burden upon myself. What did you do? Just blame and scold me for something I didn't even have complete control over. Everyone else is also blaming me when it's Sylvia they should be blaming." I huffed.

Carter went silent for a minute. There was a frown resting on his lips as he kept his head lowered. The red strands of his hair were fallen upon his downcast eyes.

"I'm sorry, (N/N)..."

I sighed, "Don't be, Carter... But I just wish you could've been more understanding... "

"I know, (Y/N)... But I panicked.. What happened to dad, I feared happening the same to me.. I don't want my mother to be left alone.. "

I took his arm in my hands, hugging it tightly as I gave him a soft smile. "Nothing will happen to you, Carty."

He chuckled upon hearing that nickname. "It had been a while since you called me that."

"Ah, I almost forgot!" He suddenly exclaimed, startling me a bit.

"I have to buy some necessities mom had asked me to." He sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck.

I giggled at his expression, "It's alright. You go ahead. I think I'll have a short walk around before I go home." I let go of his arm.

"Okay, (N/N)." He ruffled my hair, giving me a wave before taking the path which led to the market.

"Bye, Carty!" I yelled after his retreating form, gaining a chuckle and a shake of head from him in return.

Now, alone with only my own thoughts to keep me company, I let my mind wander back to the demons.

Even though I knew that they would have been fine, I still can't help but worry.

They didn't even try to contact me. The least they could've done was given me a visit and told me that they were alright now.

The weather was pleasant today with soft breeze blowing. The sun wasn't too bright nor was it too dull. I stopped in my path for a second to kick a rock, which had been in my way, to the side. The calmness of my surroundings caused immense peace to my mind.

But the peace didn't last long.

"Look who decided to grace me with her beautiful presence." Someone whistled, making me tense up.

I looked up to stare into a pair of baby blue eyes as the owner smirked down at me. His blond hair swayed gently in the wind as he reached out to touch me.

My reflexes acted fast as I swatted his hand away, giving him a look of disgust.

"Step away, Jaxon." I sneered at Sylvia's ex boyfriend.

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