Chapter 21: Family

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I knew this would happen.

Pretty much the whole population of Melenoa was now gathered up at the town square.

Children, adults, oldies, women, everyone.

The sky was filled up with clouds today, the sun was no where to be seen. A few gentle breeze blew here and there every once in a while, swaying people's hair and women's dresses or skirts.

The incessant chatter mixed with children's laughter echoed around.

The mayor finally stood up at the centre, immediately catching the attention of the crowd.

"We are all aware about the reason why we are gathered up here today." He started speaking in his formal tone.

"Those demons in our forbidden forest-" At the mention of the creatures, the chatter among the people started again before a high pitched voice yelled at the Mayor.

"My baby boy was attacked by that demon! How dare that thing raise his hands on my son!" Jaxon's mother fumed.

My eyebrow twitched when she called the Charmer a 'thing'.

"These demons are dangerous! We need to do something about them and quickly! Look how badly this boy is injured." Another woman stood in support of Jaxon and his mother.

"It was my son today! It could be anyone else's child tomorrow!" His father didn't decide to lag behind.

At this, panicked voices of concern and fearful apprehension started whispering out.

"All those demons should be tortured with severe brutality! Why haven't we set that damned forest on fire already?!"

That was it. My fists clenched tightly by my sides as I opened my mouth to scream before I could even control it-

"Have you even asked your son why he was attacked?!" I directed my glare at Jaxon's mother as I stepped up in front of the crowd.

"(Y/N)! No!" Carter tried to stop me but wasn't able to as his mom, Sophia held him back.

"That's Malorie's grand daughter isn't it? (Y/N), I believe is her name?"


Most of the people easily recognised me because of my granny. She was quite famous, after all.

But my attention wasn't focused on them right now.

"Your son tried to assault me-" The crowd burst into gasps, muttering to each other.

"And that demon who attacked your son? He saved me!" The mutterings increased at that. People just weren't ready to believe that a demon could help anyone.

"N-No! She's.. She's lying!" Jaxon sputtered out in panic, eyes going wide.

"And what will I gain out of lying about this, you jerk!?" I seethed.

Through the crowd I caught eyes of two people who let their eyes grow wide in anger.

Sophia and Mr. Richards.

My mother and father figures.

Sophia immediately left Carter's side to come to me, a worried look in her motherly eyes.

"Why did you not tell me about this, (Y/N)? My sweetie, I would've smashed his head on a wall myself!" She said as she pulled me to herself, throwing a nasty glare towards Jaxon and his parents.

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