Chapter 26: Blooming Feelings

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"Do you know what type of demon he is?" I asked Leon, Kian sitting beside me as we sat in their living room.

"How the fuck would I know that?!" Was the lovely response I was greeted with.

"Aren't you a demon yourself? Can't you sense it-"

"A demon can only sense another demon. Not the type he is." He rolled his eyes.

"Useless." I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you just-"

"I think you should sleep now, darling. It's been a long day." Kian interrupted the Beast, gaining a scowl from him in return.

"Yeah." I sighed.

I was led to 'my room' by the Charmer as we left Leon grumbling to himself. There weren't coming any noises from Cassius' room so I assumed both him and Reece must have been asleep by now.

The room which Kian led me to was simple, with minimal furniture just like Cassius',  though I was satisfied to see how clean and well kept it looked.

There was a small closet which I used to keep my clothes and some other stuff in. The window was open, curtains drawn, giving entry to cool and gentle wind. Only a single lamp was switched on to illuminate the space.

"I hope you feel comfortable here." Kian wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "But my room is always open for you, darling." He leaned closer and kissed the side of my neck before letting go of me.

I ignored the fluttering of my heart and turned to look at him. "No, thank you. I'm fine here."

"But darling-" He whined. "I'll keep you safe and warm." He winked at me.

"These sheets will do that job too."

"But these sheets won't hold you like this." He stepped forward, encircling his arms around me as he pulled me close. "They won't nuzzle into you like this." He bent down closer, hiding his face in my hair before moving downwards to nuzzle his face in my neck, making blood to rush to my cheeks.

"They won't... Kiss you like this." He brought his face up and started to plant loving kisses all over my face, from my jaw to all over my cheeks before moving to my temples.

He rested his forehead on mine, gazing into my (E/C) eyes with those sparkling ambers of his.

Leaning closer, he planted a small, gentle kiss on my nose, succeeding in emitting a giggle out of me.

"I love your smiles." He said innocently with a fond look in his eyes.

"They make you even more beautiful than you already are."

I found his words to be deeply heart warming. And the sincere way he said all that, who would not fall for a guy like him?

"I don't think you realise, (Y/N), but.. You don't see yourself when your eyes shine with happiness as you laugh. The way you tuck your hair behind your ear. Those adorable grins you give when you are amused. The way your expressions change when you are irritated or annoyed. Your expression when you are flustered... You don't see that all..." He moved his face away from me, sighing softly.

"But I do.. And I love all of it."

Butterflies in my stomach and a fast beating heart was how I would describe myself in this moment. Those sweet words of his, they almost brought tears to my eyes as I stared at his face, so many emotions flooding over me.

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