Chapter 7: Free From The Curse

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It was already nightfall when we stepped out into the town again, the forest left behind.

The compelling thing was how a dark aura just shined out around the demons' bodies before it flickered out into the onset of the darkness of the night.

The curse.

It broke.

Making them free from itself.

The after effect was not as much on the Charmer as it was on the Shadow.

Kian just stumbled over his footsteps, a bit startled by what just happened to him, shaking his head to get rid of a certain feeling. And then he gave us the biggest grin his face could support, his eyes sparkling ever so brightly.

He put Jenna on the ground, making her lean against a nearby tree before looking back at us.

"I'm free from the curse!" He laughed in delight. He took my hand in one of his as his other hand held Sylvia's. He tried to dance with the both of us, smiling widely in joy.

Sylvia looked just as happy for him and joined him in the weird dance he was trying to do.

I, however, yanked my hand out of his hold to reach over to Cassius who had tripped on the ground post the breaking of his curse.

He gripped his hair tightly as his body shivered.

"Cassius?" I kept my hand on his shoulder which made him go as rigid as a statue. "I-I'm fine." He muttered slowly.

I rubbed his arm to calm him down and after a few agonising seconds, his body stilled.

He snapped his head in my direction and gave me a big relieved smile. His brown eyes were filled with a child like glee.

"I'm free!" He grinned and took my hand in both of his.

His pale cheeks burned bright in a beautiful shade of red as he lowered his gaze from my face. "Thank you, (Y/N)." He gently said and let go of my hands.

"You're welcome." I smiled at him.

"We should celebrate!" Kian cheerfully suggested.

"We aren't friends that we should join in your happiness. Now that we've led you out and broken your curse, it's time you go your way and let us be." I moved over to Jenna, shaking her body to make her to wake up.

"Jenna? Wake up." She stirred in her sleep, her hand subconsciously reaching over to the claw marks on her face.

She winced upon the contact and her eyes flickered open.

"(Y/N)....we're alive?" She asked with widened eyes, filled with shock.

"Yes, Jen." I smiled at her. "C'mon let's get you home. We need to get you fixed." She nodded and got up on her feet with my help.

I looked back at the three who were gaping at us.

"What are you all waiting for? Get moving."

"We don't have a place to go to." Kian stated.

"That's not my concern now, is it?"

"Stop being so rude to him, (Y/N)!" Sylvia scowled at me. "You live alone, right? Let them stay at yours until they find accommodation."

"Yeah? No."

She sneered at me but then directed a flirtatious look at Kian and gripped his arm. "I would've taken you with me to my house but my father wouldn't allow it." She frowned.

"(Y/N)" Jenna's voice snapped my attention back to her. "How will I explain this to everyone?" She pointed at her face.

"Word about demons getting out of the forest shouldn't spread around in town otherwise you can only imagine what would happen." I said in all seriousness.

"Jenna, stay with me for a few days until you get better. We'll decide what to do later."

"Okay, (Y/N)!" She grinned, excited at the idea of staying with me.

Her cheerfulness always makes my heart melt. Jenna is too innocent for her own good.

"As for you two," I glanced at the two demons. "Don't make suspicions get raised on you." I warned.

Then without another word or look at any of them, I took Jenna with me to my house, safe and alive.

But there was still one concern.




"Shh.. Jenna is asleep. Don't try to wake her up."

"(Y/N), tell me that this isn't true!" Carter demanded, giving me a look full of fear and concern.

"You just led out not one but two demons into the town! You broke their curse!"

"I had no choice, Carter!" I snapped.

"Yes you did! They tricked you, (Y/N)! Did you encounter any other demon in your way out?" He asked, trying to keep his fury at bay.

"No.. We didn't."

It was strange. The forbidden forest is said to be filled with demons yet we only came across three.

Where were the other demons?

And why were these three roamimg around?

"That's because there wouldn't have been any demons out into the forest today! It's absurd as it is that those three were there." His gaze seemed lost, hinting that he was thinking about something deeply.

"How do you know that there wouldn't have been any demons out today?" I asked in suspicion.

Carter's eyes widened a bit and he stuttered over his words as he avoided to look at me. "I.. I read about it somewhere... That's not the point, Okay?!" He suddenly yelled, catching me off guard.

"What the point is that-"

"You knew that there wouldn't have been demons out today which is why you so easily agreed to let me go, isn't that right, Carter?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"(Y/N), I-"

"You're hiding something, Carter." I frowned.

Carter has always been really overprotective over me. And after grandma left, he's only grown more concerned for me. He always tries to keep me out of trouble as much as he can. Which is why it was questionable that he just allowed me to walk into my very possible doom so easily.

"You should rest now.. I'm sorry for yelling and scolding you, (N/N). We'll talk about this later..." He got up and ruffled my hair like he always does and tried to leave but I grabbed his arm, halting his movements.

"What is it, Carter?"

He stared into my eyes for a few debating seconds and then looked away.

"I'll tell you when the time comes and if situation calls for it."

And then he was gone.

Carter has always been a kind of enigma to me.

Now that I think about it, I don't think I really know much about him.

And his father? That man has always stayed out of the picture.

The more I thought about everything that had occurred today, the more my head spins.

"I need sleep." I sighed and got up to ascend for my room.

Doing my nightly routine and changing into a more comfortable clothing, I fell down on my bed to head off into a deep slumber.

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