Chapter 34: Talisman

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"They seem really happy." The female demon scowled, glaring particularly at Leon who scoffed at something Kian said, making Reece giggle as he snuggled closer to his miss (Y/N) who smiled affectionately at him.

All five of them were having a day out in the forest to relax and calm themselves. As you'd expect, it was difficult to convince Leon but when it's four expectant pairs of eyes against one pair of glaring ones, the majority won.

"They won't be for long." Another demon stated as he let his eyes roam all over the unaware human's body. Licking his lips as he let his disgusting thoughts run wild.

"They are closer to each other than before." The third demon, human just a few weeks ago, deduced.

"So what's the plan?! I can't wait to see him suffer!" The first female snarled while staring at the Beast with her grey eyes filled with an immeasurable torrent of hateful fury. Her galaxy shaded hair were left open to blow in the wind in all their colourful glory.

Sylvia, now in her demon body with her eyes turned as black as her soul, smirked, "Separating them first, is what we'll do."

All three of the evil beings looked at each other before bursting into a fit of demented laughter, successfully concealing themselves from the group of content people who were yet to discover the horrors they would be going through.


"So (Y/N)..." Kian started as he made himself comfortable by my side.

"Yes?" I asked, not taking my eyes away from the scene where Cassius had Reece enwrapped in one of his tentacles as he held him higher up from the ground, making the hunal feel like he's 'flying'.

"Don't you ever get tired?" The Charmer continued as his eyes stuck to my form, taking all of my features in.

I turned my head to look at him, eyes staring back into his with confusion. "Tired of what?"

He grinned, "Tired of always looking so beautiful-"

"That was as shitty as your face." Leon snapped before I could register the words spoken to me.

Kian's carefree look dissipated into one of annoyance. "You are one to talk. Would you remind us again about the last girlfriend you had? Oops! You never had any!" He smirked as he mocked the Beast who looked as if steam was coming out of his ears.

"What the f*ck did you just-"

"Can you guys not?! We're here to have fun and chill. Not to see you two fight like usual." I intervened before they moved onto talking with their fists.

"You're right. I'm sorry, darling." Kian landed a soft kiss on my cheek which nearly left me non-functional.

I tried to hide my smile but failed when he just continued looking at me as if I was everything he ever needed in the world.

As if I was the only thing he sees.

"Stop!" I covered my burning face with my hands, embarassed when he still wouldn't stop staring.

"Stop what?" He innocently asked as he leaned closer to me, trying to get a peek at my face through my fingers.

"Stop being a creep." Leon scowled.

"Stop being a third wheeler. Go and join Reece and Cassius." Kian scowled back, now getting irritated by Leon.

"Did you just order me to do something?!" A vein popped up in Leon's neck as he stomped towards Kian, getting all fired up.

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