Chapter 10

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After the embarrassing encounter with Ryujin, her Mom wouldn't stop asking about the brunette even after dinner. Which made Yeji a little more aware of how others might see her – not that she cares about it that much.

Maybe Chaeryeong was right, she must really come off as intimidating and snub. She got even more intrigued by the fact that despite that, a certain brunette was able to befriend her. Or, the other way around, that someone actually paid attention and patience towards her.

And if she's being honest, she has been enjoying the feeling of it. Having someone outside her family (her best friends are basically family) who listens to her and tells her stories in return – ones that she doesn't normally hear about, being enclosed in her bubble and all.

What's baffling, though, was that when another person showed the same interest and effort, she pulled back immediately – not liking anything about it at all.

"Making friends is weird, and slightly challenging."

"What do you mean, Yeji-ah?"

She finally gave in and started to talk about it. If there's anyone who knows Yeji the best, it's her Mom.

"When you say that I don't really make a lot of friends... was that meant to be a negative thing, eomma?"

Her Mom looked at her in awe for a good full minute, then chuckled as she put her mug down. She looked softly at her daughter and smiled.

"Yeji-ah, it doesn't mean anything other than that being a detail about you. You have always been a quiet child. At first, I was worried that you'll end up sad and lonesome when you grow up – but you turned out to be the opposite."

Yeji's eyes softened with the sudden confession from the older woman.

"You are genuinely content, and I cannot be more happy that you've found a different level of independence and peace at that. You are joyful, but in your own way. You never asked for anything other than what's needed, and only accepted things from me unless I insisted. And because of that, I never worry about you. It's the calm that every parent wants."

She paused.

"But I'm so glad that you're now making friends. You light up, too, when you talk to her or about her. She must've been a good friend."

Yeji could only nod.

"She is. And I am fulfilled with being... me. I'm glad to know that it doesn't bother you, Eomma."

Her Mom leaned in for an embrace.

"You have your life ahead of you to meet other people, befriend them, even. So you don't have to worry about it. For now, I'm glad that you're branching out."

After a couple more hours of catching up, Yeji's Mom said her goodbye.

Later that night, she's surprised to receive a call from Ryujin.

She sat up in bed and glanced at her clock – 12:23AM.

It's been a while since she got one of these. But the more surprising thing was that Ryujin actually sounded calmer than usual. But based on the tone of her voice, Yeji could tell that she's clearly drunk.

"I'm sorry, Yeji-ah. But could you come get me? I really cannot drive and my mind's too clouded now."

Yeji replied as usual. "Alright, send me the address. I'll be there as fast as I can."

This shouldn't be any different. The worry that she felt was the same as the past worries that she had – only this time, she found herself giving one last reassurance before hanging up.

"Stay where you are and wait for me. Alright? I'll come and get you."

When she reached the place, the club was still in full swing. Ryujin usually stays outside the front door, or by the comfort room – which makes it easier for Yeji to spot her every time. But this time, she couldn't locate her.

She rounded the entrance and elbowed her towards the bar. When she still couldn't see her after more than fifteen minutes, she decided to check the 2nd floor.

She was out of breath from all the rush when she finally saw her. Cornered in the wall near the edge with a couple of girls who seemed to have developed an interest in her. The brunette looked too drunk to even lift a finger and was being held up by one of them.

Yeji took a deep breath and started to make her way towards them.


She caught the attention of the strangers who immediately glared upon seeing her.

She was initially planning to have a civil conversation but was taken over by the rage when she saw that one of the girls was feeling her up, her left hand under Ryujin's shirt.

Yeji strode towards them – steps echoing with purpose, fingers clenched in tight fists, her chest  rising and falling rapidly – and halted merely a few inches away from them.

"What do you think you're doing?" She said, loud enough for some of the other people around to hear.

The shorter girl laughed mockingly.

"What do you care? And who the fuck are you?"

Chest still burning with anger, Yeji grabbed the girl's hand and tossed it away from Ryujin.

"Yeddeong." Ryujin remarked as she moved her hand to Yeji's shoulder to steady herself.

Yeji's eyes were still on the shorter girl who's now looking at her with obvious disdain in her face. Her company seemed to back away and was now smirking as she gazed towards the scene.

"I'm her ride home. And no. She doesn't need help, nor does she need anyone touching her while she's clearly drunk."

She paused.

When she saw the girl smiling provocatively as she let out a huff with the remark she felt so good, though – Yeji completely lost it.

"Are you even for fucking real??? A woman... who's taking sexual advantage of another woman?? You are a piece of shit."

Yeji could hear the intensity of her voice ringing in her ear. And the more she says things, the angrier she gets. She could sense that the people around them were getting scared of how furious she was.

The strangers seemed to have developed a sense of embarrassment because of everyone else who's watching, and began to walk away from the scene.

Amidst the intensity of it all, the feline eyed felt like she's going mad as the images of the girl taking advantage of Ryujin played repeatedly in her head. If it wasn't for the girl who's clinging to her – extremely drunk and half asleep – she would've already done something that she'll regret.

Suddenly, she heard the brunette yawning and saw that she gained a small amount of consciousness. She struggled to stand up straighter and opened her eyes to find Yeji already looking at her concernedly.

Ryujin smiled and closed her eyes again, as she rested her head on the feline's shoulder.

"Let's go home, Yeddeong. Let's go home and rest."

And just like that, Yeji gained her control back. She took a deep breath and shook her head to calm herself.

What the fuck just happened?

She took another breath and prepared to walk out of the bar.

"Alright. Let's go home, Ryujin-ah."

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