Chapter 30

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It has been a few months since Yeji's seeming confession that she likes Ryujin. Well, at least to the brunette that was what it looked and sounded like. And a lot has happened since.

It started with Ryujin walking her to class every morning. Without fail, she would wake up early and fix herself up, drive towards Yeji's dorm, and wait for her to come out so they could head to classes together. Even on days when Ryujin didn't have hers until the latter part of the day.

Later on, she would be invited inside while waiting – drinking the feline eye's brewed coffee, listening to whatever music was put on in the living room.

The old toy came back to its place, and Ryujin relearned how to solve it. Every color would be picked by Yeji, and there's nothing more beautiful than hearing her amused laugh whenever she sees the brunette trying hard, eyebrows crossed and too focused in trying to figure the puzzle out.

She would look up and feign an annoyed face, but always chuckle back after a few seconds, anyway.

It then progressed to them having most lunches together.

Ryuin would buy Yeji's favorites and invite her to eat out in the benches of the track field. Other days, Yeji would bring her her cooking – two lunch boxes and two pairs of matching chopsticks. The latter would always remark that she needs to eat healthier.

Sometimes, they would hold hands – when crossing a street without pedestrians, during a hike that their friend groups went to, when watching a scary movie. Ryujin would hold herself back in holding her hand without purpose. She couldn't count the many times when she wanted to.

The many times when a goodbye hug wasn't just a goodbye hug after walking her to her unit.

The many times when she wanted to stay a little longer. When she wanted to lay it all out there and confess her feelings.

But she halted every time.

She would tell herself not to risk it – that it's better to have her like this than not have her at all.

What if a best friend is all I'll ever be to her?

But she gets more impatient by the day.

Especially when she sees other people staring at the feline eye a little too long. New classmates who ask for her help a little too often. Juniors who conveniently run into her in the library and occupy the space that was once only theirs.

One more trigger might just do it for her.


She was brought to her consciousness by the familiar voice, calling her the nickname she only uses.

She automatically smiled and looked up at her.


"What's on your mind?"

The girl sat in front of her with a smirk on her face.


"Just this... lesson in class I cannot seem to understand."


"It's true. There are some concepts that I cannot seem to get. For one-"

Their conversation was cut off by a classmate.

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