Chapter 28

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Ryujin hasn't been inside Yeji's dorm for so long, she almost forgot how comfortable the end of the long couch was. She has always sat here – fiddling with the rubik's cube that was once placed on top of the coffee table beside it.

"Let me set up the table real quick."

She nodded and remained seated, not knowing what to do. She has been here for, probably, almost 100 times before? But she has also been absent for a long time. She looked around and took note of the slight changes in the living room. There was a new painting that hung by the wall near the door, new curtains, a couple of succulents by the window. It was the same, but also different.

She wondered if Yeji had actually thought of requesting a roommate like they talked about before. Ryujin remembered pitching about the pros of having someone in the dorm with her, but ultimately, the feline eye chose her privacy over everything she argued with.

She chuckled with the memory.

Not long after, they found themselves sitting across from each other on the small dining table – going through all the contents of the bag.

They had a hearty meal and an even better conversation. Ryujin was careful not to mention anything about the movie – no matter how much she wanted to gush about it to somebody. But it was inevitable when Yeji was the one who opened the topic up.

"The movie was great, wasn't it?"

She asked with a pout.

Cute. She thought.

"I've seen the reviews and the spoilers are all over Twitter, so I'm staying off of it for the next few days."

Ryujin just nodded, not offering anything that might spoil the mood.

"I can watch it with you next week, if you want?" She offered hastily.

The feline's eye instantly lit up.


She paused.

"But you've already seen it."

Ryujin laughed at the sudden contrast in her emotion.

"It's worth watching the second time."

Anything for you, really. She thought but didn't say.

"We can go next weekend, then?" The feline eye looked at her expectantly.

"Yeah, okay. We can go."

Yeji squealed from her seat, and gestured to hug the brunette – but froze midway.

"T-thank you. I'm very excited to see it."

"Yeah." Ryujin grinned at her and tried her best to keep her composure.


The night ended on a happy note.

When the following weekend came, Ryujin woke up an hour earlier than her alarm.

And despite the loud party that commenced in the unit next to her the previous night, she was perky and was ready to start the day.

Nothing can ruin her day because today – today, she'll be hanging out with Yeji.

And although they've been studying together in the library for months, and have gone out with each other's circles several times, it's still different because she'll get to enjoy the outdoors with only the feline eye. No one else. And they have planned on seeing a movie, too.

I Used To Be AlrightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang