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requested. : James with a muggle 🤔🤔 Hehe i I think it would be funny seeing is he was raised by two wizards serve together they would be learning everything about each others world I think it would be really cute

requested by loving-and-dreaming on tumblr

length : 0.4k

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No matter how long you've been in the wizarding world, magic always fascinates you. James takes full advantage of this in order to boost his ego and impress you with the best pranks on those that deserve it. At first, that is, until he starts to notice how beautiful your eyes look when they stare in awe at his spells, or how cute your little jumps of excitement are, or how pretty your lips look when they become round with wonder and amazement. It isn't long before you have James wrapped around your little finger and it isn't just an ego boost to him, anymore, it's a way of getting you to experience more magic and draw out more of your loveable expressions of allure. Because of you, it's hard to take magic for granted.

All the while, you felt as though James was too far out of your reach. It was unbelievable to think that such a magical world existed beside yours as a muggleborn but it was even more unbelievable that the James Potter would want to be around you so often. He was popular with everyone, charismatic, funny and a true friend. As you grew up beside him at Hogwarts, he filled out his uniform more and gave additional reasons as to why he was worthy of all female attention. It also became a mystery as to why James often sought you out for frivolous things, reasons that seemed like he pulled them out of thin air just to be around you.

However, maybe they were exactly that, futile excuses to spend time with you. James had many merits but being subtle wasn't one of them...

"James! That's so cool!" you exclaim in admiration, stars collecting in your eyes as you take in his brilliant display of impressive spells.

"You're so pretty..."



Needless to say, you and James quickly made it official and that meant holidays spent together. Which is where you were able to share your muggle 'magic' with James too. It was quite funny and amusing to see him so fascinated by everyday appliances like TVs or the radio or phones. His expressions were so cute that you easily understood why he liked showing off for you so often.

"Whoa! What's this, babe?" James calls from the bathroom as he prepares for a bath. Making your way over, you raise a brow at what he holds up for you to examine.

"Uhh...a rubber duck,"

"What's it for?!" he asks with eager, sparkling eyes.

"To take a bath with, it floats on the water" you answer, trying to suppress a giggle.


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a/n : this was an adorable write, i loved it more than i thought i would!

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 | ᴊᴀᴍᴇꜱ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now