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Lydia moved her off her lap and lays her down on the couch. She went into the kitchen then to the bathroom. She came back with band aids and a glass of water. 

"Here, just take small sips and I'll put these on you okay," Gillian nodded, taking the glass and sitting up to drink it. Lydia lifted up the hem of her dress to see the scars. 

"This will hurt, squeeze my hand okay," Gillian put the glass onthe side table and held her hand while she placed a large band aid over the lower part of her scars. The pain was intense. She squeezed Lydia's hand tightly, tears coming down her face. 

"I know love, you're doing great, just a few more and it'll be over," 

"I'm not giving birth Lydia," Gillian laughed through tears. 

"God, if its going to be like this I might have to get surgery on my hand," 

"Sorry, it just really stings," 

"It's because they are deep. And I guess when I was moving you, the fabric on your dress made the scabs come off when they weren't ready," 

"Don't beat yourself up about it love, I should've said something earlier. I was just lost in the moment," 

"I know but I'm still sorry. And hey, you're all done, I guess the talking took your mind off it,"Gillian looked at her leg, heaps of band aids covered all over the area. 

"You'rea wonder Lydia," She smiled. Lydia smiled back at her, before picking her up bridal style. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Bedtime," Lydia said, walking into her bedroom, earning a groan from Gillian. 

"Hey, we didn't go to bed till late last night and you definitely don't have energy after all that," 

"You've got good hands," 

"Shhhhh," Lydia placed her down in the bed. 



"I want that ice cream," 

"Oh my god," Lydia laughed, "I'll be back in a moment okay," 

Gillian sat up in the bed and dug through the top drawer of her bedside table for some underwear. She then decided too just change into some more comfortable clothing, just an oversized shirt and fluffy pants. She was halfway through changing; her top half completely bare when she felt soft hands on her shoulders. 

"You're so pretty my love," Lydia whispered into her ear. 

"Don't tell me you're horny again," Gillian chuckled, turning around to face her. 

Lydia bit her lip, "Can I try something new?" 

"What do you mean?" 

Lydia's hands slowly moved down, pulling her underwear down as she softly kissed her neck. "Just lay down on the bed, and let me take care of you," 

Gillian carefully laid on the bed, grabbing a blanket to cover her naked body. 

"Baby don't hide yourself. I've never seen you like this before, please," Lydia gently crawled on top of her, kissing her cheek and gently holding the top of the blanket. 

"I just don't want you to be disappointed," 

"You will never disappoint me love. I know for a fact that what I will see, will be gorgeous. And I'll be careful around your thighs this time, I promise," 

"I know love, I'm just nervous," 

"Don't be," Lydia slowly but gently pulled the blanket off her. 

Gillian always had body issues. She had a flat chest that some people in the past always commented on. She was skinny though; I guess that mixing with the fact that she was the smallest size in her family made her feel really guilty. So, she starved herself to make her family feel better. 

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