𝙾𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚞𝚙

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"One from Bailey and one from...Astrid,"

"Oh fuck! I'm gonna fucking kill myself!" Gillian yelled and got up, making her way to the upstairs bathroom. She slammed the door and punched the table. There was a light knock on the door.

When it opened Gillian expected one of the girls. But it was Marco. Oh fuck.

"You're Gillian right?" He asked, his voice sounding tough and manly.

Gillian nodded hesitantly.

"I heard what happened downstairs, and all the stuff with that girl,"

"Sorry sir,"

"Julia was right though, you do have manners,"

"Thank you?"

"So, tell me what's going on with this Astrid, was it?"

"Yeah. She's just a...mind my language sir, she's just a cunt. She does crazy shit to me and Lydia and knowing that she knows there's a party here, who knows what shit she'll pull,"

"That's fair, what about the other one? Bailey?"

Gillian sighed, "She raped me, sir,"

"Oh. I'm so sorry I didn't realise,"

"No it's okay, I try not to dwell on it,"

"So that's why you don't want her here?"

"Preferably yes,"

"Look. I'm not gonna be here to stop things from happening but I can give you some advice,"

Gillian nodded.

"Be respectful, don't show that you don't want their presence. And if they start something, well, I'd like to see an ambulance or two when I get back,"

"Sir I think that's a bit much,"

"I mean yeah, but ONLY if they throw the first punch, or if they do anything to Lydia,"

"Yes sir,"

That's when the door opened, it was Lydia holding Milly's hand.

"Mark, Milly wants to go," She looked at the Gillian, who sat on the floor while Marco sat on the edge of the bathtub.

"Yep, come on Mills," He walked to Lydia and whispered something to her.

"Protect her, she's a good kid,"

He looked back to Gillian and nodded goodbye.

"Well," Lydia walked in, adjusting her shirt and sitting next to Gillian, "They might show up, I'm not too sure,"

"Oh great,"

"I see you've met my stepdad. How'd that go?"

"He's...stern, but helpful,"


"If they show up tonight, they will be gone in a few seconds,"



"You're hot when you talk like that,"

Gillian laughed, "Talk like what?"

"When you act all tough," Lydia moved Gillian onto her lap, "I love it,"

"Of course you do," Gillian leaned in and kissed her.

"You look great tonight Gillian," Lydia smiled up at her.

"And you don't look to bad yourself, that shirt really suits you,"

"Why thank you,"

"But it'd look better on my bedroom floor," Gillian chuckled, kissing her neck.

"I thought we were gonna do shit later, why are you trying to get it out of me now?" Lydia whispered.

"Oh you know, teasing,"

"Of course,"

"You should know my tactics by now, did you even check your phone before we left my house?"

"No?" Lydia pulled out her phone and turned it on to see the picture she joked about setting as her lock screen, actually set as her lock screen.

"Still a good photo,"

"It is,"

"Do expect me to be all over you tonight, whether they come or not," She kissed her cheek and picked her up bridal style and carefully went back downstairs.

"Naw, did you to fuck?" Sara E said teasingly.

"No!" Gillian yelled.

"10 bucks saying they did!" Sara E yelled.

Lydia put Gillian down as another knock was at the door, it was Zainab, Ruby and Ronald, Mabel and Dick, Octavia, and Amelia.

"Hi guys, Gillian's in the living room,"

"Hi girls!!" Gillian yelled, hugging all of them, leaving the boys out. Dick kept looking at Clarissa, and Gillian was getting annoyed at it, since Mabel was right there.

"You okay, love?" Lydia came up behind her, holding a can of Pepsi.

"Yeah, just keeping an eye out," Lydia handed the can to her and smiled,

"There are some more people yet, so you'll be all good," She kissed her cheek and held her waist as she stood behind her, watching everyone talk and have fun. They rest of the group came: just the Sarah's boyfriend Kris and his friend Rick.

They locked the front door, and they played some music and danced. Gillian sat down on the couch as everyone danced.

"Gillian!" Clarissa came up to her and held out her hands, "Dance with meee!!"

Gillian laughed and got up and danced with her.

Clarissa spotted Lydia staring at Gillian.

"You wanna annoy Lydia?"


"Just follow my lead, no homo,"

"Of course," Gillian laughed as Clarissa spun her around and held her hips as the moved to the music.

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