Chapter two

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"I see my client isn't the only one who forgets to eat sometimes."
Tree said to the other publicist, the other woman laughed,
"Oh yeah, one time Ava forgot to eat for an entire week, how she didn't die I will never know."
Caitlyn joked to Tree,
"Taylor's done the same thing. We should probably make sure someone reminds them to eat whenever they're are together."
Tree laughed, the two publicists nodded.


"Just let me get my notebook."
Ava told Taylor, as she ducked into her apartment, quickly grabbing the notebook and checking she had her keys and had locked her apartment. Smiling at Taylor as she and her avoided the paparazzi camped out the front on the way to Ava's producer's studio, making a detour to MacDonalds, or Ava called it Maccas.

"Matty, I am here. And I bought a guest."
Ava announced as the pair walked into the studio, Ava going over to give the man a hug. Taylor stood shocked that the man didn't recognise her.
"Who did you bring?"
The man asked, Matt wore red tinted sunglasses, which confused Taylor even further.
"I bought Taylor, say hi Taylor."
Ava told the man, a gasp was heard from the man,
"You brought Taylor as in the Taylor. Can you please say something so I can shake your hand?"
Matt asked Taylor which just confused her,
"Matty is blind, Tibbles. He can't actually see you, he needs you to say something so he knows where you are."
Ava clarified, she had noticed the confused look plastered on Taylor's face, a gasp heard from the blonde.
"Oh my god, Sorry, I just thought you were ignoring me."
Taylor quickly said, Matt laughed as he made his way over to where Taylor's voice had originated from.
"It's fine, it is honestly a pleasure to meet you Miss Swift."
Matt said extending his hand for her to shake which she did, Ava laughed, pulling out her notebook with had Braille above the written lyrics.
"I thought I saw you flicking through my notebook before what did you think the dots were for?"
Ava asked Taylor, who shrugged,
"I don't think I didn't really notice them I was too busy looking as the vast amount of songs you have written. But it does make a whole lot more sense as to why you didn't use both sides of the page."
Taylor said, Matt laughed as he made his way over to where Ava had put her notebook out for him to read.
"It is really sweet of her, I mean I have told her numerous times she didn't need to but she does it anyway. How about we try a few things out Addie?"
Matt asked, directing Taylor over to where she could sit and listen.

"I never thought you would you'd the one to open up my mind
As you stood there by her side
Suffocating in her lies"
Ava sung, Taylor loved the sound of Ava's voice, but she did wonder who Ava was singing about.
"That's good Addie, take 5."
Matt told Ava, Ava making her way over to where Taylor was sitting,
"I know this was your ideal plan for today but-"
"it's fine Adders, I actually like your singing voice."
And your normal voice.
Taylor said to herself after interrupting Ava, pushing the thought to the back of her mind.
"Aww, Tibbles. That's so nice."
Ava said giving Taylor a hug, Taylor's face flashing red, but Ava could see it, and despite Matt looking directly at them he didn't see a thing. Taylor letting go of Ava, and looking down at the younger girl, a smile on her face.
"Can I ask who that song is about?"
Taylor nervously asked, Ava laughed,
"It's about my ex, I'm not going to tell you their name for privacy reasons. Do you want to have a turn? I mean I did write a song that I have been waiting for the perfect person to sing it with."
Ava rambled, Taylor laughed, thinking that this could get her mind off the shit show that her life was currently.
"Sure, Adders. Can I have a look at the song first?"
Taylor asked, Ava quickly nodded as she dragged Taylor over to her notebook flicking to the pages with the song in it. The Page was titled Broken, Taylor read it:

Why you always gotta be so stubborn?
Stopping in the headlights
Like you're choking
Want to be right, but you got problems
Yeah, we all got problems
I'm not here to solve them
Tell me why you gotta be so stubborn
Using up my time with all that moping
Thought I gave a fuck, gotta be joking
Looking for some wings
You better keep hoping

You don't know a thing | Taylor Swift Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat