Chapter 9

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⚠️Warning: Mentions of eating disorders⚠️

Ava was woken to sound of her alarm blaring at 5:30 in the morning, groaning as she rolled out of bed. Ava had woken herself up that early to make sure she was ready to go when her sister was. Ready just in time for her sister, Ava sat in the passenger seat as her sister drove them to her school.


"Okay you stay there, I wanna surprise them."

Ava's sister told her to wait inside the music staff room until her sister gave her the signal.

"Okay, T."

Ava hummed in response, headphones in listening to AM by the Artic monkeys. About 15 minutes later Ava got a text from her sister to could come to the classroom. Making her way to the classroom stopping in the doorway as she got gasps, a scream and one kid even fainted, Ava assumed the boy who fainted was the one who was singing one of her songs.

"Oh my god, you didn't tell us your sister is the legendary Ava, Miss."

The boy said when he came to, Ava's sister laughed at this, as Ava moved into the classroom.

"It was supposed to be a surprise. And I think it was a pretty good one."

Ava spoke up, one of the girls squealed again, Ava laughed at this.

"I'm guessing you're a fan."

Ava laughed at the girl, who nodded her head,

"And a swiftie. Do you really know her?"

The girl asked, Ava's sister watching as her lesson got derailed.

"Yeah I do, but you can't tell anyone, but while we are on the topic of Taylor, which ones of you are singing her songs?"

Ava asked, taking the opportunity to ask if it was okay to record the performances for. Two girls tentatively put their hands up, it very obvious who was singing which or Ava thought.

"I have to ask you two, is it okay if I get T here to record you guy's performance for showcase, for Taylor?"

Ava asked them, one of them squealed, while the other gasped, both quickly nodded, Ava chuckled as she looked back at her sister.

"How bout we get back to the lesson? Cause I need to know which ones of you guys I'm doing backing for and which ones I'm not."

Ava said as she turned her attention to her sister, who gave her a smile.

"So Dani, Lily, Ethan and Violet, you have my sister doing the guitar for you guys."

Ava taking note of their names, but knowing she wasn't going to remember but she had to make an effort.

"Okay who's doing what songs?"

Ava asked the small group she was given, they all looked at each other and silently decided what ordered they were going to go in.

"I'm Lily, I'm doing better than revenge, I that's my showcase piece."

The girl who Ava originally thought was doing love story said.

"I'm Violet, I'm doing Love story for my showcase piece."

The dark haired girl that Ava thought was going to do better than revenge said, Ava thought it served her right for stereotyping people.

"I'm Dani, and I'm doing Read about it, for my showcase piece."

The third girl spoke up,

"A girl after my own heart, are we a midnight oil fan?"

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