Chapter 18

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Ava wasn't expecting Taylor's reaction, turning to face the blonde as she burst into laughter.

"You're laughing? You're not upset?"

Ava asked concerned, was she not reading the situation right, what was happening?

"God no. I'm not upset, it's quite funny actually. Now if Austen gets added I'm going to insist and they will probably agree to calling him the side chick which I find hilarious."

Taylor said between laughs, that wasn't the only reason she was happy about the nickname, for some reason she liked being called Ava's girlfriend even if it was in quotation marks.

"You- you think it's funny? Oh thank gods."

Ava breathed a sigh of relief, she wasn't going to tell Taylor she liked the nickname.

"I do have a question, if Iliza's boyfriend is soon going to be her fiancé is his nickname going to change?"

Taylor asked, letting her intrusive thoughts win when they thought what if Ava becomes your actual girlfriend at some point? Taylor wanting to know if the quotation marks would be removed.

"We aren't going to change his nickname even when and if they get married, it's too entertaining watching him go I have a name! And we go I don't know what his problem is he is the boyfriend. But if you are wondering it for can the nickname change at any point, the answer to that is yes. I mean mine changed semi recently, it was evil Irish leprechaun at one point but don't worry if they find a better nickname they will most likely change it."

Ava told Taylor who looked confused at Ava's previous nickname.

"Why evil Irish leprechaun?"

Taylor asked confused,

"Oh because I'm a natural ginger,  it was a running joke, I am so glad they decided to drop it."

Ava told Taylor, who tried to imagine Ava with red hair but couldn't.

"Well anyway I am going to add you to my friends group chat, it's only fair considering you added me to yours."

Taylor said, this caused Ava to laugh, the chat that she had added Taylor to were more her family than most of her actual family.

"That chat consists of people I consider family plus the boyfriend. But if you insist on adding me to your friends chat I won't resist."

Ava told Taylor, Taylor's heart melting at the fact Ava considered her family.

"I will. But I do have a question, is Iliza's family okay with not celebrating Christmas whenever you are with them?"

Taylor asked as her mother entered the living room,

"Taylor! Did you really not learn anything from the last time?"

Andrea exclaimed as Ava started to laugh, which caused the older woman to raise her eyebrows at the girl.

"That is a question for Iliza, and look here she comes now. Iliza, Taylor has a question for you?"

Ava said as Iliza entered the living room, a confused look plastered on her face as Ava said that, Andrea still confused as to why Ava wasn't upset about mentioning Christmas around her.

"Huh? What is it?"

Iliza asked confused, as she moved to sit next to her friend,

"How are you and your family alright with not celebrating Christmas when Ava and her family is around?"

Taylor asked, Andrea gasping, but the confused look came back to her face as Iliza started laughing.

"I'm confused why are you laughing?"

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