Chapter 17

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"So does this happen a lot?"

Doctor Alvarez asked trying to make small talk as she got ready to put Ava's shoulder back in place.

"As a kid it happened quite a bit but not as much now, I have been trying to strengthen the joints as much as I can considering my condition you know."

Ava answered and as she finished speaking the doctor put her arm back in its socket, Ava breathing a sigh of relief.

"Can I ask what other symptoms you experience as part of your HSD?"

Doctor Alvarez asked just as Ava felt a fatigue episode coming on.

"I get-"

Ava began to say as she passed out Iliza catching Ava's head so she didn't fall off the couch. Ava soon coming to, seeing a few confused faces.

"What was that?"

Taylor asked as Ava sat up, doctor Alvarez knowing exactly what it was but choosing to let Ava explain.

"That is another symptom of my HSD, fatigue. I get that pain and joint instability, and they are not sure if my anxiety is from it or a side effect from my ADHD but yeah. There is a lot wrong with me, like a lot."

Ava told the group, Taylor's face softened as she went to give Ava a hug.

"I am sure that's not true."

Taylor said trying to comfort Ava, this caused Ava and Iliza to laugh.

"I mean compared to her sister, Ava looks sick and dying. I mean Addie is deaf, has ADHD, anxiety, HSD amongst other things. Whilst I don't think Taylor, other Taylor, has been sick a day in her life."

Iliza told Taylor, looking at Ava as she said she last bit Ava nodded, glad that Iliza didn't mention the infertile thing. There was a lot wrong with Ava but she soldiered on, fueled by spite mainly.


About a half hour after the doctor reset Ava's shoulder, Ava and Taylor sat on the couch watching the television in a comfortable silence.

"Ava, you know when you joked about how you should be alive, you know we don't feel like that right?"

Taylor said breaking the silence, Ava laughing at the comment, confusing Taylor.

"Oh it wasn't a joke, I am literally a miracle baby. Like the doctors told my mum that I had almost no chance of making it out of the hospital. Now I live out of spite, proving those doctors and other people wrong. I've always been told I would never make it as a singer or songwriter, that I will always never be enough, and I live to prove these people wrong."

Ava told Taylor whose gaze soften as the girl told her what people had told her.

"Well you are already proving everyone of those people wrong. Do you want to talk about it, you know the-"

"Can we please just the tv?"

Ava cut Taylor off but not soon after that Ava's phone started buzzing again.

Lil Tay Tay
I'm still waiting for your explanation

Ava laughed, as she typed up her response,

I had a meltdown, she comforted me, I fell asleep on her shoulder then when she went to put me in bed I held her hostage, end of story.

Ava replied,

Don't tell them how you dislocated your shoulder again.

Ava shook her head as she read the message that Iliza had sent, as she watched the chat jump to life.

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