Chapter 12

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"Does that day work for you?"

Ava asked Austen, who was looking at his phone calendar as they walked into the living room.

"Yep that works for me."

Austen replied, Ava smiled at him, Austen returning the favour,

"Then it's a date."

Ava said putting it into her calendar knowing she was going to have to get someone to remind her.

"What was that about, adders?"

As Ava came to sit next to Taylor on the couch, Ava chuckled.

"I just organised a date with your brother."

Ava said non chaluntly, causing Taylor to gasp,

"I thought you told me you're gay."

Taylor questioned, Ava laughed,

"I'm bisexual Taylor, I like to say that I'm gay because I do prefer women but I do occasionally date men. Your brother is nice and we have a bit in common so we thought we could give it a shot."

Ava told Taylor, Ava noticed a hint of sadness in Taylor's eyes for a moment but didn't make anything of it.

"Austen I hope you know if you break adders' heart you are dead to me."

Taylor told her brother which caused Ava to laugh.

"I am glad to hear you love me Tibbles." (I got the nickname wrong first and now I'm just going with it, I know it is wrong)

Austen said, ava noticed there was a wii sitting next to the tv.

"Do you guys have Mario cart?"

Ava asked, then Andrea's voice from the kitchen shout,

"Ava, you have no idea what kind of monsters you have just released."

Ava laughed at this, she was really good at Mario cart and was wondering if the Swift siblings were going to be competition.

"You bet we do. Do you want to play? You know what don't answer that question you're playing with us."

Austen answered, Ava laughed as the Swift's got Mario cart all set up.


"How the fuck are you so good at this?!"

Austen yelled as Ava had beaten both Swift's for the third time in a row. Austen was starting to lose his cool and so was Taylor, and Scott had started watching finding it quite entertaining.

"Huh what?"

Ava asked turning her hearing aids back on after she had turned them off for the game, focusing on the vibrations of the remote and the screen.

"You turned your hearing aids off? I don't think that's fair."

Taylor pouted, Andrea poking her head out the kitchen, she didn't know that Ava was deaf.

"I didn't know you were deaf, Ava."

Andrea said a little shocked that she didn't know that Ava was deaf.

"Yep, I was born with partial hearing but then I lost it completely. I am surprised that Taylor didn't tell you that. I'm actually getting cochlear implants, the surgery is scheduled for 11th of January next year."

The date for Ava's surgery was news to Taylor as well as the rest of her family that didn't know she was deaf before that.

"You didn't tell me you had a date for your operation. I'm so excited for you."

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