Chapter 6

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Adders 🐍
You ready for our race this morning? I'll meet you at Central Park.

Ava sent Taylor a text as she made her way out of her apartment. Ava had an Adelaide Crows hat on with a pair of sunglasses on, with her running gear, somehow managing to slip out without the paparazzi noticing it was her. Sending Taylor another text as she got clear of the crowd.

Adders 🐍
If you have a back exit I suggest you use it, there is a crowd of people out front.

Ava sent as she made the walk to Central Park, making sure to warm up and stretch as she did this. Ava felt her phone vibrate from the spot in her waist band she had put it pulling it out to check who it was.

Thanks for the heads up. 🙂

Ava smiled at the text, not sure when Taylor was going to get there, but she was always happy to help.


Ava was to in grossed with her stretching and whatever else she was doing, to notice Taylor sneaking up behind her.


Taylor yelled as she put her hands on Ava's shoulders, which caused Ava to flinch. As Ava turned to face Taylor, she could see the fear in Ava's eyes flip to relief.

"Tibbles! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Ava yelled at Taylor as she playfully hit her, Taylor laughed at this.

"Okay, I won't."

Taylor finally caved as continued to playfully hit her until she did.

"Okay, I figured we wouldn't do the entire perimeter of the park, I do it sometimes and it's to long for this."

Ava told Taylor, mumbling the last part to herself,

"Why how long is it? Don't you think I can handle it?"

Taylor bit back causing Ava to laugh,

"Do you really want to run 6 miles, do ya?"

Ava could see Taylor's face drop as she asked this caused Ava to laugh.

"That's what I thought. So I was thinking if we cut across here then do the perimeter once we are out of the park. How does that sound?"

Ava asked Taylor, who just nodded which caused Ava to laugh even more and Taylor's bodyguard to chuckle a little bit.

"You should probably stay with me while we cut across the park. I'm sure you haven't warmed up."

Ava laughed, Greg nodded his head, Taylor rolled her eyes, which caused the shorter woman to laugh even more.

"How about this, you stay with me as a warm up as we make it across the park. Then after if you feel you can beat me then you can go ahead, how does that sound?"

Ava asked Taylor, who nodded quickly as they started to jog across the park, Ava waving at almost everyone that they went past, most people waving back with a smile on their faces. Despite passing all those people none of them seemed to recognise Taylor which was a relief, as they got closer to the exit of the park Ava quickened her pace a little.

"You ready to start our actual race?"

Ava asked as they exited the park without answering Taylor speed off, Ava laughed as she quickly followed her. Ava knew that Taylor couldn't keep that pace for much longer, but she knew she could.

"How are You still going?"

Taylor panted, as she began to slow down basically to a stop, as Ava turned around and started jogging backwards.

"Oh did I forget to tell you. I used to do cross country and track."

Ava laughed, Taylor's eyes going wide, if she had known that information she was have never challenged her to a race.

"How dare you not tell me this! This is not fair."

Taylor huffed, Ava laughed even harder, as she continued to run backwards as Taylor walked behind her, Ava occasionally looking over her shoulder as to make sure she didn't run into anyone.

"Maybe it isn't but we still got to get back to where we started, even if the race is off. Or at least I do, I walked here so yeah."

Ava told Taylor, looking at Greg who was following behind them, barely even broken a sweat.

"Ugh fine. But you owe me."

Taylor huffs, still walking, all Ava could think about how cute Taylor was when she was upset, shaking the thought from her head.

"Do you want to know what it's like to run track and cross country?"

Ava asked trying to get her mind off the blonde, she was now slowly jogging next to.


Was all Taylor said, Ava thinking this was the perfect time to use one of her friends jokes.

"Taylor, have you ever passed out on a pillow so hard you got a cushion scar? That's what it feels like after running cross country especially in Australia."

Ava spoke, the line causing Taylor to laugh, Ava making a mental note to thank Iliza for her sense of humour. Ava had gone to every single one of Iliza's shows even before she had made it in comedy and Iliza was more Logan grateful for it.

"Speaking of Australia, as you well know, I'm going back on a visit to see my sister and do a job. I actually leave in two weeks, so you're going to have to deal without me for a bit."

Ava joked, Taylor thinking 'that's starting to sound harder than you think' pushing the thought back in her head.

"We'll still talk every day though, right?"

Taylor asked, Ava laughed,

"Of course. But right now I'm going to go finish doing a proper run getting back to the apartment. You'll be fine with Greg."

With that Ava ran off, Taylor too tired to follow her, causing Greg to laugh,


Taylor turns to ask the man, who stuck his hands up in surrender.

"Nothing, ma'am."

With that the rest of the walk back to the car was silent.


The last two weeks Ava had spent most of her time at the studio finishing up the album and texting Taylor. But when it came time to go see her sister all she could think about was how she wanted to say good bye in person, so that's what she did. Making her way up to Taylor's apartment, knocking on the door, the door Flug open wide to reveal a wide smiling Taylor.

"I wanted to see you before I go, I'm gonna miss you. I'll send you the video's of the performances of your songs, and we'll keep each other updated, okay?"

Ava said as Taylor wrapped her up in a hug, Ava trying to squirm out of it, she wasn't a big fan of hugs.

"Seriously Taylor I need to go."

Ava said finally making her way out of the hug, Taylor huffed,

"Bye Tibbles."

Ava said as she stood on her tip toes to give Taylor a kiss on the cheek before leaving, not turning around to see the bright red mess she had left Taylor, too busy thinking about what it's going to be like to see her sister again now.


Hey guys, I know this chapter is shorter than usual but I wanted to start the visit to Australia in a new chapter but anyway I hope you enjoy.

If you don't get the Iliza reference she is a stand up comic who has a few Netflix specials, the one I reference in this is her one called Confirmed Kills It's hilarious you guy should check it out.

Like always if you guys have any suggestions please feel free to comment them. Bye.

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