Chapter 15

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Ava woke up to see like a million Insta and twitter notifications rubbing her eyes as she opened her phone to the Insta ones first.

I can't believe Taylor did a song with this artist, I love it

I can't believe it either but I also can't believe AVA didn't give her writing credits

Most of the comments were along the lines of how could Ava not give Taylor writing credits, but there were some others as well.

She probably wrote it herself she was a songwriter, so stop trying to get credit, if she helped she would have been credited

Ava read that comment and smiled, there were a few others like that were along the same line. Ava laughed as she made her way into the kitchen where the two Swift women were.

"What is so funny dear?"

Andrea asked, as Ava sat on one of the stools as she formulated a reply that would put the conflict to an end.

"Oh just the Swiftes thinking you deserve writing credits on Broken. I'm sorry I have listened to enough of your songs to know that it isn't even remotely close to your writing style. I even put featuring you, but did they read that noo."

Ava laughed, Taylor joining in with her as her mother continued to make pancakes much to her daughter's protest.

"I would put something out but I'm on a social media blackout so-"

"I know Tibbles, I already put out a post clarifying that I wrote it and asked you to sing on it."

Ava cut off Taylor her phone dinging, Ava turning it over check the name on the text and turn over again without even reading the text on through the notification.

"You're not going to even read the text?"

Taylor asked as her mother put 4 pancakes on a plate, Taylor taking the plate over to Ava.

"I have better people to leave on read."

Ava simply responded grabbing a pancake it her hands which earned a gasp from both Swift women.


Ava asked as them as they stood mouths agape as they stared at her.

"They are hot, doesn't that hurt your fingers? And you use a knife and fork, because we aren't animals."

Taylor asked Ava as she handed her a knife and fork, Ava putting her hands up in fake surrender.

"I'm sorry, whenever we had to use knives and forks when we had pancakes growing up. And for if it hurt not really the pain receptors in my hands are a little funky."

Ava told Taylor as she got another text notification flipping it over to check the name and once again flipping it back over.

"Okay who is this person who doesn't even deserve to be left on read?"

Taylor asked curious as to why she was ignoring this person or persons.

"My aunt and cousin. I love that they have the audacity to text me again when the last texts they sent me was a half assed apologies. I deserved a whole lot more than that."

Ava told Taylor as she continued to eat her pancakes, this answer continued to confuse both the Swift women.

"I'm going to need more explanation, I don't want to say something wrong in front of your father."

Taylor said using Ava's dad coming as an excuse to get more information.

"Oh just my aunt made up a rumour that I actually pushed my mum onto the road, that's why the guy didn't stop or was found. And my mum's side of the family believed it too. There was no evidence of the contrary so I picked up a habit of collecting evidence against everyone, because if you don't have evidence the other person is going to twist the truth to make you seem like the bad guy. And Taylor that is in no way a backhanded comment on the incident, it's a comment on my childhood."

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