Chapter 3

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Warning: allusion to SA, mental abuse

"So then it's A, then B minor. G then D. There you go you got it, you are a fast learner."
Taylor told Ava, who laughed,
"Maybe it's cause I had a great teacher."
Ava complimented, thinking
She is nice to me, maybe. Nope, nope, remember the past 3 times, Ava, you fell for someone who was nice to you at first. Do you remember what Susan did you you? You can't do this again.
Ava scolded herself.
"Aww thanks Adders."
Taylor said, Ava smiled her thoughts far from positive though, putting down the guitar.
"I'll see if my sister will let me record one of the practices of this one and the other one of your songs i had to learn."
Ava told Taylor, who's head whipped around to face Ava shocked.
"You didn't tell me that you had already learnt one of my songs. Which one?"
Taylor gasped, Ava laughed,
"Better than Revenge, I do wonder who hurt this girl-"
Ava was once again cut off by her phone ringing, this time it was Taylor's Our Song that played, Taylor raised an eyebrow as she went to look at who was calling. Ava's phone read Tay ;), Taylor assuming that was Ava's sister, Taylor was going to have to take some getting used to the fact that Ava's twin sister shared the same name.
"Hey sis, what are you doing up this early? Don't worry I was just taught Love Story by the very woman who wrote it. Yes I know Taylor, yes I am here with her. You need to calm down, Tay. I know you are a massive fan but how about you get back to why you called me and then I might see if she wants to talk to you, I don't know you are the reason I call her tibbles, she doesn't like it."
Ava joked to her sister, Ava's sister was mortified, while Taylor laughed. The other Taylor regaining her composure enough to continue their conversation,
"What?! Someone wants to sing one of my songs?! You better not be fucking pulling my leg, or I will kill you."
Ava shouted, tears forming in her eyes, she was ecstatic, someone wanted to sing her song for their music performance, this was a big deal for her. Taylor coming over to Ava giving her a hug in the process turning Ava's phone onto loud speaker.
"I haven't told him that I have the literal artist is going to help with backing, I mean it's too early to tell him that, also I think it would be a great surprise. Don't you think Addie?"
Ava's sister asked her, Taylor noted the much thicker Australian accent Ava's sister had, probably because she was still living in Australia.
"Sounds good, sorry I still can't get over the fact someone wants to sing my song for their HSC. That does remind me, do you recon I could get a video of both the performances of the two Taylor Swift songs you had me learn? I am pretty sure Taylor would like to see them, wouldn't you Tibbles?"
Ava continued like she hadn't noticed that Taylor had turned her phone to loud speaker until she turned to Taylor expecting to answer. Both Taylor's let out a loud gasp, Ava laughed, before her sister started to hyperventilate.
"Tibbles say something, that's the only way my sister is going to calm down."
Ava told Taylor,
"Hello other Taylor, it's a pleasure to talk to Ava's other half. She has told me so much about you."
Taylor spoke up, hearing a squeal from the other end, Taylor finding it funny how much the two Taylor's had in common. They shared a birthday, a name and a love for music.
"You told the Taylor about me, oh my god. I think I need to sit down."
Ava's sister said through the phone, Ava laughed at the fact she wasn't already sitting down.
"Yes I told Taylor about you. And you didn't answer my question before about recording the performances."
Ava said to her sister,
"Sure, sure we'll just have to ask their permission."
Ava's sister quickly answered, Ava writing a note to make sure she remembered to ask this.
"So your favourite song is Our Song?"
The Taylor asked Ava's sister,
"What?! How do you know this?"
Ava's sister exclaimed, Ava laughed,
"Ava has that set as your ringtone, so I assumed it was your favourite song."
Taylor laughed,
"Okay, yes it's my favourite song. Sorry, to love and leave ya, but I need to get ready. See ya, Addie and it was so nice to meet you Taylor."
Ava's sister said,
"See ya, Tay."
Ava said to her sister as she hung up, Ava started pacing hands on her head, Taylor raising an eyebrow at this.
"What's wrong Adders?"
Taylor asked Ava, who shook her head, tears now visible in her eyes.
"I swear he tries to drag her down with me I'm going to punch that man. She isn't involved in this Tibbles, but I know he is going to drag her name through the mud with me no matter what I do."
Ava stopped pacing but started sobbing, Taylor coming over to give her a hug.
"She had nothing to do with what happened. I should have known better than to get involved with him, that's on me but she played no part in it. I should have been stronger, I told him no so many times but he didn't listen, why was I so stupid?"
Ava scolded herself, Taylor's eyes widened at the implications of what she had just said, Ava stopping dead in her tracks as she realised what she had just told Taylor.
"I shouldn't have said that, should not have said that."
Ava repeated as she rocked back and forth, Taylor wrapping her up in a hug which caused Ava to jumping at the touch. Taylor looked at Ava, who looked like she was waiting to be scolded.
"Your not going to scold me for that breakdown?"
Ava asked looking up at Taylor, who had a confused look plastered on her face,
"Why would I do that? What has happened to you Adders?"
Taylor asked in a hushed voice, Ava started to cry,
"Did Kanye do that to you?"
Taylor asked, Ava shook her head,
"My stepmom, every time I had a meltdown because I was overstimulated. One time she even broke my hearing aids and when my dad got back she said I threw a tantrum and broke them myself. She is not a nice person."
Ava told Taylor, avoiding telling Taylor about the beatings, she was not ready for Taylor to know that, not yet.
"I'm so sorry she did that to you Adders."
Taylor said, knowing there was something more but didn't push it, just letting Ava cry into her jumper.

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