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◍"Do you have a name?"◍

Third Person

Monday, the two teens walked to school together as usual. They also were bickering as usual.

"Well that doesn't make any sense! Cats may be selfish, but they're also loyal!"

"Cats don't care about anyone but themselves."


"That's the most childish thing you've said so far today." The bickering went on and on until the topic was shifted for the 10th time in 5 minutes.

"Do you have a name?" (Y/n) looked at him confused. "What type of dumbass question is that? You seriously need to stop eating those fake perks."

"I know you're not you. So do you have a name?" She froze, her eyes widdened in shock and fear. "... I don't know what you're talking, Kusuo-"

"There's no point in lying. I already know." The girl flinched. She lowered her head in shame. "Figures... I guess nothing gets past you, huh?" Kusuo said nothing, he just stared at her with his usual expressionless expression. "... When did you find out? Was it last night...?"-"Yeah." She slowly nodded, her heart racing due to the possible outcome of this situation.

"... I'm sorry... For lying to you... And pretending to be somebody I'm not. It must've been hard for you when you found out... And I'm sorry for... Planning to kill you. I know my apologies won't fix anything, nor how you feel but," She choked on her words as she tried her hardest not to cry. The pink haired boy remained silent and listened to what she had to say.

"It- I understand if you don't ever wanna see me again, because I know I hurt you. And, I want you to be happy... but I know that I have no right to say that, because I'm the reason why you're upset right now-"

"How long were you planning on keeping it from me? Or were you not gonna tell me at all?"

She paused for a bit. "... I'd be lying if I said that I planned on telling you at a specific time... But I know I would have to tell you eventually." He slowly nodded, taking in the new found information.

"... So do you have a name?"

"Uh, no. (Y/n), is always what he called me... But... Last night, he called me by my number..." Though her father was an oddly evil man, she still saw him as her dad. So that conversation they had, hurt her deeply.

"... Are you mad? I can't really tell." Saiki scoffed but shook his head. "No. I'm not mad... I'm just still in shock, that's all." She looked up at him, a bit confused. She hurt him, lied to him, decieved him. So how could he not hate her?

She hesitated. "Are you sure...?"-"Yes I'm sure, (Y/n).." She felt a bit at ease when he said her name. He's always called her by her name, but this time, it felt different.

His face was no longer expressionless, it now had a faint smile. He gently put his hand over her cheek. "You may not be the real (Y/n)... But that doesn't change the fact that you're special to me. I don't see a difference between you and her. You're both the same person to me," He put forehead against her's, and cupped her face.

"You're real to me, (Y/n)." On his, was a genuine, caring smile, as he got lost in her glassy eyes. (Y/n)'s heart skipped a beat, "Kusuo..." her voice trembled as tears fell down her cheek.


"SHUT UP!" She hugged him tightly, and he did the same. "... I don't wanna go to school, let's skip..."

"I doubt you should keep that up, but sure. What do you want to do?"

"Let's go to that cafe... You know, the one you always wanted to go to, but you never had the chance to? Let's go there. I'll explain everything to you on our way."

"Sounds good." And with that, they turned around and made their way to that cafe he wanted to visit from the beginning.

They walked and held hands, as (Y/n) explained everything in great detail to Saiki. She told him that her maker won't stop until he gets what he wants, and Saiki understood.

On their way, they laughed and smiled with each other. (Y/n) felt like the weight on her chest had finally been lifted after so long. And Kusuo finally felt... Happy.


"Hm?"-"I love you..." She looked at him with widdened eyes. But her shock quickly turned into happiness as she saw Kusuo's slightly flustered face.

"Hah... I love you too, Ku."


(Okay so that's it for A Different Kind of Pain y'allll!! And I wanna say tysm for the people who read this straight through and genuinely enjoyed it, you have a special place in my heart.💌 But I will be making more Saiki ff's in the future so yah. But I hope y'all liked this, byeee❤️❤️)

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