Ch 35

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See, the funny thing about training to wield katanas is you don't see one for a bit.

This guy, Daiou, is a Kachi, or a commander. He's the one who's training me in the way or the sword.

I'm so lucky because Daiou is the only one in Nigeru who knows how to dual wield katanas.

Bukijutsu, or weapon techniques is a very useful thing to have when you're a Shinobi.

Shurikenjutsu, to use a shuriken or kunai for example. The Uchiha clan were noted specialists. My mom taught me a few things, but she didn't teach me many.

Kenjutsu, or sword technique. It is popular in the Cloud and Mist villages.

Daiou is from the Mist village, but he is a rogue.

Tessenjutsu, iron-fan technique, popular in the sand village. But their fans are huge, so of course it's different from mine.

But enough of the weapon explanation, it's time to show you how I spent my 12th birthday.

We were on a time limit.

He had 2 weeks to figure out if I was actually worth training. If I was, he had close to a year to teach me.

Good times.

So everything was rushed.

But Daiou is a perfectionist, if he was going to train me. He was going to make sure I mastered it perfectly.

So we went back to the basics.

Stage 1, body training.

I don't even go near katanas until I can prove to Daiou that I have the strength and patience to be his student.

Daiou said that I was his 9th student, when I asked how many made it to the end. He rolled his eyes, and said 2.

Now I'm a little concerned.

Anyway, I did nothing but train my body by wearing weighted armlets and leg weights. I move around constantly and training sessions look almost like boxing matches, with me having to constantly move around and dodge the Daiou.

I did this for almost two months. And let me tell you, Daiou does not hit like a bitch.

Stage 2, movement training.

After Daiou thinks I am ready, or he just gets bored, we move onto movement training. Daiou taught me how to keep momentum up, and how to move one move into another.

Daiou said this allows for stronger blows and more fluid movements. Daiou also taught me how to constantly circle an opponent, keeping him on guard constantly.

Useful stuff, but painful to learn.

Daiou is not nice or easy to work with. The man's name literally means King, of course he's weird. This took almost 3 weeks, even he had to acknowledge my speed.

Stage 3, sword training.

After 3 months, I was finally able to hold a sword. But Daiou said not to get too happy, "It's nothing too exciting" he said.

I wanted to slug him in the face that time.

He said that any sword would do at this time, it actually didn't matter. But either way, I was finally trained in the art of the sword.

By the end of the training, I felt a bit more at ease. Daiou said that I'm now capable of inflicting more damage than before and implementing more speed and strength.

However, I'm not at a level yet where I am extremely dangerous to anyone except a lower level taijutsu user or a genin without taijutsu training.

Still better than before, I'm just not good with a sword yet.

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