Ch 61

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"It's a festival," I muttered. 

"This usually happens the day before the exam," Kabuto said. We were both a little bored, just sitting by the window, looking out. 

"I wish I had my phone," I muttered to myself.

 "What's a phone?" 

Kabuto and I were drinking about an hour before, and it seemed like the alcohol finally hit us. 

"My lifeline." 

I closed my eyes for a minute, feeling my body relax. Somehow. 

"Why did you even let me drink, isn't that like, illegal?" I heard Orochimaru chuckling from across the room. 

"They send kids younger than you out to war, I think a drink will be fine." I shrugged, it was true. 

"Also, we killed the Kazekage and are about to attack the Leaf, what could get more illegal than that." 

This time it was me chuckling. "True, true." 

I turned to Kabuto, "what did we drink, I feel more high than drunk." 

Kabuto shrugged, "ask Lord Orochimaru." 

I faced him, "what did you give us?" My words were starting to slur. 

Orochimaru smirked, "sake, pure as can be." I could feel my vision blurring, "pure sake, huh?" 

Kabuto frowned from beside me, "that's not cheap stuff, it's not good for new drinkers too." 

I frowned at Orochimaru, "ya, I am a new drinker." 

I pointed an accusing finger at Orochimaru, "were you trying to get me drunk!!??" Orochimaru raised his hands in surrender, but his smirk was anything but, "no, I just didn't expect you to finish 3 whole bottles. I'm surprised you're even awake." 

I crossed my arms and pouted, "I'm going to become an alcoholic." 

Kabuto shrugged, "I've seen worse." I rolled my eyes, well, at least tried to. 

"Same here." 

Then I got an idea, the best idea I've ever had. 

Future Ishi:

"That was the worst idea I've ever had."

I started chuckling, "I may not have a brain, gentlemen, but I have an idea." 

Orochimaru looked curious while Kabuto didn't even acknowledge what I said. 

"What is it?" Orochimaru asked, Kabuto just hummed. 

"While I am drunk and in the mood to actually talk to you two." Kabuto rolled his eyes "ouch." 

I smirked, "why don't we talk about everything bad in our lives. Or even past lives." Orochimaru laughed at my statement while Kabuto started looking at a wall. 

"Past lives?" Orochimaru asked with an amused smile. 

"Yes! I was a normal teen before coming here!" Kabuto snorted, "like you could be normal." I glared at him, "hey! I was! It's just this world that screwed me over!" 

Orochimaru chuckled, "I would believe that." 

I stood up, as if I was going to put on a speech. "In a world, where shinobi aren't really a thing and you guys don't exist." Kabuto frowned at me, while Orochimaru looked amused. 

"There were so many countries that I don't even remember the number, it's definitely over that old snake's age." Orochimaru looked slightly insulted over that comment. 

"And in the very big world, was America!" I was expecting them both to look at me in wonder, but Kabuto was barely paying attention and Orochimaru looked confused. 

"What's an America?" I shrugged off my completely dead audience because in my head I heard cheers from old TV shows. 

"America is the greatest place on earth..." 

"...only if you're rich or brainwashed!" 

This got Kabuto's attention. 

"As someone who has never been to America but who had American friends, I can say this."

Orochimaru raised a brow, "what?" I smirked happily, "don't question it." 

I was going to say something but stopped, "you got me monologuing." 

Kabuto chuckled, "you're talking to yourself by this point." 

I ignored him, "anyway, back on track, trauma, go!" 

I pointed to Kabuto. Kabuto didn't look impressed. 

"I'll answer for you, mommy issues." 

He looked insulted. 

"Next, you!" 

I pointed to Orochimaru. He smiled innocently at me, "say anything and I'll break your neck." 

I thought about it.

And I choose death. 

"Completely a sociopath, maybe daddy issues." 

Orochimaru looked confused, "why do I have daddy issues?"

I looked unamused, "the third Hokage stupid."

Orochimaru stood up from his seat and went in my direction. I ran behind Kabuto, who then proceeded to push me in front of Orochimaru. I raised my hand in complete surrender, "I have abandonment issues!" 

Orochimaru stopped and stared at me, "you what?" 

I start crying crocodile tears, "everyone I love dies!!! 

Orochimaru didn't even know what to do, he just stood there with the most dumbfounded look on his face. "Kabuto, make sure she never has any alcohol again." 

Kabuto, who also looked dumbfounded, nodded, "I will completely make sure." 

I kept crying and crying, not stopping until I passed out. Orochimaru just left the room after that while Kabuto just passed out after me. All and all, not a bad day.

A/n End of the chunin exams is close!!! Enjoy~

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