Ch 49

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I signed the liability waivers after giving it a quick look down. Can't just sign my 'fake' name on any contracts. 

Think smarter not harder. 

Sakura and Ino were fighting each other. 

Shikamaru and Choji don't understand women. 

Naruto is dense. 

And Sasuke is emo. 

What's new? 

"Alright everyone, we're ready to hand out scrolls." Perfect, game on. Everyone got up and went to get their scrolls. 

My team got a Heaven Scroll, interesting. 

"Listen up, all the teams have received their scrolls so everybody go to they're gate and wait there! When the gates open the test is on!" Anko seemed pumped. 

I walked all the way to gate 14 with my team. Orochimaru gave me a nod before he went to his own gate. 

As the forest loomed right in front of me, I felt no fear, only excitement. I took in its foreboding presence, and my heart raced with anticipation. I was hungry for adventure, and to me, the risk was worth it. 

I was strong, and I will make sure the forest knows that. 

The jonin in front of me unlocked the gate with a key, he turned to us in silence as we waited for the exam to start. This almost felt like a game, but with a heavy price if you were to lose. 

He looked at his watch, waiting for the clock to hit 2:30 pm. 




It hit the time! 

The doors immediately opened and my team and I rushed into the forest.

My footsteps were determined, and my eyes set squarely on what lay ahead. I was willing to step into the cursed depths of that shadowy forest, and I would not be deterred by its legends. I will make my own story, and be the author of my own fate. 

My god, do I sound cheesy. 

"Our first priority is not to find an earth scroll, I'm only here to observe. If one comes to us then I will take care of it," I didn't turn to them as I spoke. 

"Aw, but I wanted to fight some of these guys," they complained. I gave them a look and they both shut up. 

Most ninja from the sound village are arrogant and cocky, but I made a deal with these guys on my team. I had a 2 vs 1 fight and I won, so they answer to me now. 

I jumped up into the trees and went from one to another happily. 

It was fun. 

It won't be long before we see others. 

"Keep going, we'll run for another 10 minutes before we stop to settle down," I kinda like being in charge. But I won't see these guys again after the exam. 

I started hearing screaming and chuckled, we haven't even been in the forest for 10 minutes and some team is gone. The birds flew above us at the sound. 


"Ok, let's stop here," I sat down on a tree. 

"You two, put up some wire traps around us. Attach bells to them for fun," maybe that will make everything interesting. If anyone gets that close, I will know before they even trip the bells. When or if they do, it will be fun to see any turn of events. 

I felt a chill down my spine. Adrenaline going through my body at the excitement. Once you were in, there would be no escape. The forest swallowed up countless lives, and it relished every one of them, it was never satisfied. The forest loomed with an ominous, foreboding presence. 

No one dared enter it without being prepared. The only thing waiting for you there was death. And it was the forest's law. You'd have to be the very best, or you'd never make it out alive. The risk was sky-high, and few could survive the challenge that lay ahead. 


There, I felt someone. 

"Get ready," I whispered to my team. 

They nodded and got their kunai's out. I sighed, it would have been better if they didn't do that. Now the enemy knows that we know. 

"Come out, we want to know if you have the scroll we're looking for," I called out. I know they are behind me but I don't get up. I wait for a minute, they don't come out.

"Would you want to waste energy for something useless?" I was joking, like any of these kids could make me feel anything but annoyance. 

Still, no one comes out. 

Alright, have it your way. 

"Have fun," I let my team have their fun. 

I don't recognize the chakra anyway so it doesn't mean anything to me. They fought for a few minutes until they came back... 

with a heaven scroll. 

I groaned, these kids just lost because they didn't listen. 

"I packed scrolls of food so we will be fine, let's just be comfortable." 

In the darkest forest, where the shadows grow, the most dangerous contest takes place. 


Where fear and dread make your nerves run red. And a sense of dread is all you'll feel. Where man and beast hunt for their prey. You must be strong to find your way. 

But I was waiting for something. That small sound that would alert me of what was going to happen. 



There is fighting at 10 o'clock. 

"You two, follow me but stay out of the way," they both nodded as we made our way over there. I didn't go fast, it's not wise to help these guys with everything. 

They need to find their own strength to fight. 

I see him. 

Orochimaru is fighting Team Kakashi. Seemed like I came just when Naruto saved Sasuke from the large snake. 


Orochimaru glanced at me before turning his attention back to them. Naruto was breathing heavily, "hey kid, you're not hurt, are ya? You scaredy cat." 

I love this line so much. 

I sat down on the tree I was on, "let's just stay here for now." My team leaned against a few trees and also watched from afar. 

"Standing there, frozen like a frightened rabbit, no way. You're not the Sasuke I know," I chuckled at his words. 

But then Orochimaru's tongue wrapped around Naruto, pulling him up. 

I stood up, ready to move. But Orochimaru glared at me, a death glare promising nothing good. 

"Don't interfere," it said. 

A/n Was a little short on time  Enjoy~

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