Ch 63

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I chuckled as Naruto ran around, throwing peace signs and kissing at the crowd. He must be loving all the attention and praise. 

"He's still energetic after all that?" Kabuto didn't sound too shocked, but he was a little surprised. "He's Naruto after all," I smiled.  

At least I have a bit of time to relax and watch the chunin exams. I was completely expecting to miss out on it, because of that damn Orochimaru. 

I glanced up, right where the Hokage and Orochimaru, now dressed as the Kazekage were. Even though Orochimaru didn't use much chakra, he still wasted it.  

He is too prideful. 

He thought that the Hokage wouldn't be much of a battle, that it would be easy. 

Yet his arms say otherwise. 

I'm not going to help or interfere in this, on either side. These people need to learn, and I'm not the person to teach them. 


Suddenly all the cheering and chanting turned to shouts of complaints. Everyone was Anticipating the next match. Everyone was anticipating the arrival of Sasuke Uchiha. And the unrest was going to stay, until they got their fight. 

"Listen everyone, one of the competitors from the next battle has not arrived yet. So we're going to postpone this match briefly, and simply jump ahead to the battle that will follow this one." 

And here comes the mixture of cheers and boos. Cheers for it finally starting, boos because Sasuke isn't here. 

"Then onto the next battle, Shino and Kankuro." 

I glanced at Kabuto who had been still as stone for a while, "your acting weird." He doesn't react, "your acting more happy." I tilt my head at his comment but don't say anything. 

"Proctor, I withdraw," Kankuro Announced. "I withdraw so please, advance to the next match." 

I snorted as everyone started booing again, these people are not getting anything. 

"Due to Kankuro's withdrawal, Shino wins by default." 

And more boos. I can feel the anticipation and annoyance in the air. Temari then glides down to the ground on her fan, a big gust of wind making my hair fly back. 

Genma glanced at Tamari, "And you are." 

I like this guy, so unbothered. 

"It's my turn right." This girl is cocky. What she said wasn't a question, but a comment. Even better, a fact. 

"Well, you're sure an eager one aren't you? Fine, let's start the next match then." Genma looked up at Shikamaru, "Hey! You up there, come down." 

I giggled as I saw Shikamaru's face, he looked so done. 

"Aw come on, what are you doing moving up these matches like this. Why does it have to be my stupid match that gets pushed up? Oh man, this is such a drag." Genma wasn't giving this guy a break, "Shikamaru Nara, come on." 

Naruto suddenly gave Shikamaru a tight side hug before pushing him down to the arena. "All right!! Come on Shikamaru you can do it!!" 

This pure soul, and that poor one. 

The crowd started throwing junk and food as they booed at Shikamaru, and Shikamaru didn't even move from where he fell. 

"That kid," I laughed. 

The crowd is yelling at Shikamaru to fight and get off of the ground. 

"You planning on giving up too?" Temari mocked. 

"Come on! Come on! Get up and fight Shikamaru!! You gonna get going some time this year!?" Naruto shouted. I chuckled, these kids are so sassy. 

The boos continued as Shikamaru just layed on the ground. 

"Well if you're not going to move then I will!" Temari ran towards Shikamaru. 

"Hey, I didn't start the match yet," Genma sounded so unbothered. He didn't do anything to stop it either. 

"I forgot, this girl's a spunky one. I hate spunky." And yet you married her. 

Shikamaru grabbed a few Kunai in front of him as Temari tried to land a hit. As the dust cleared, the results were too. 

She missed. 

Shikamaru was standing up, a small smirk on his face. "It really doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me whether I become a chunin or not. But maybe I shouldn't let myself get beaten by a female." 




What do you mean by that? 

Because I could beat your ass if you're still confused. 

It'll be easy. 

Temari didn't like that comment either, and sneered at him.

 "So, let's do it." Shikamaru smirked more. Temari glared at him and with a shout, blew a huge gust of wind in his direction. After the wind cleared, we saw that she missed again. 

But he also disappeared. 

I sensed that he was hiding behind a tree, but Temari didn't know that. Her fan was open, really for any attack. 

And ready to attack. 

Slowly moving around where she was, she was trying to find out where Shikamaru was hiding. 

"Ya! Go shikamaru!!" Ino cheered from where she was. 

I chuckled as I could practically hear Shikamaru wishing he wasn't there. 

"Get your butt in gear! Go Shikamaru!!" Naruto shouted. 

Shikmaru stood up, showing himself from his hiding spot. With a cute stupid grin on his face, one I know angered Temari. 

"Ninja art, wind scythe jutsu!" The wind went everywhere, almost blinding most people. 

Although most of it was directed at Shikamaru, it was still cutting the trees up and going into the stadium. 

"Windy day, huh?" I joked. "Very." Kabuto hummed. 

While the dirt and dust was still in the air, Shikamaru's shadow possession jutus went towards Temari at great speeds. She saw it, and started flipping backwards. Avoiding the jutus until it couldn't reach her. 

It had a limit. 

"Now I get it. Almost got me, aren't you clever. With that shadow possession jutus, you can possess any shadow close to you. The wall shadow for instance, but there's a limit isn't there. No matter how thin you stretch it, it can only go so far, isn't that right." 

We love a girlboss with a brain. 

Shikamaru too, we love when people use their brains!! 

"You got me," Shikamaru smirked. 

A/n I know it's been a while, and I know I know. But life sucks. I suck. But this story doesn't! So I will give you more chapters a bit more regularly. When winter break happens, I will update a lot more! And sleep more! I hope you guys sleep too because I know you don't. Enjoy~

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