Ch 65

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Gaara finally entered the arena, but not after I heard the screams of his new victims. I cringed a little at the brutality, I would not want to die that way. 

Gaara slowly walked to the middle of the arena where Sasuke and Genma were. He took his time to get there, as everyone had been waiting a while, why not make them wait more. 

"Alright, the rules in this match are the same as the Preliminaries. The match continues until one of you dies or admits defeat. However, I can stop the match. But that's solely my decision." Genma announced. 

The two boys had a staring match before Gaara smirked evilly, while Sasuke just frowned.

I glanced behind me when I sensed someone coming up the stairs. It was Kakashi. He and I exchanged a look before he passed me. I frowned, we still need that talk. Orochimaru sabotaged my chances at an easy alliance. 

Damn snake. 

Kakashi looked around at the crowd, only seeing a few Anbu among everyone. Not enough for this size of a crowd, not nearly enough. He also must be extra on guard because he still thinks I'm with Orochimaru. 

Curse you, damn snake. 

Everyone started cheering as if all that waiting was worth it. "Both of you, to the middle," Genma started.

Sasuke cracked his neck before slowly walking to the middle, while Gara just slouched, looking like he's never stood up straight in his life. 

Another stare off started as both boys looked at each other. Gaara was still looking mighty freaky though. That sand raccoon was really getting to him. 

If you thought it was tense between the two boys then you were wrong. The whole arena, the whole stadium was silent. Everyone eagerly watched as the two boys stood their ground. 

Genma raised his hand, ready to start the fight. He glanced between the two boys one last time before his hand dropped. 

"Begin," he announced.

 The boys did nothing for the first few seconds before Gaara slowly started to use his sand. Sasuke jumped back, ready for an attack. 

Gaara was staring menacingly at Sasuke before he clutched his head in pain. 

"Please... don't be mad at me," he groaned in pain. "Mother," he looked back up at Sasuke with a crazy look in his eyes. Sasuke was just watching in confusion as Gaara talked to himself. Or at least that's what Sasuke thought. 

"Earlier I... I know... I made you taste such awful blood. I'm so sorry. But this time... I'm sure." 

Gaara looked crazily at Sasuke, "that it will taste so very good."

Another wave of pain hit Gara, and he grabbed his head, shaking slightly. All the sand around him dropped to the floor as he slumped over, yet he was still standing. 

after a few seconds Gaara raised his head, looking calmer, "come on." 

I sighed to myself, Sasuke must be just shocked. He's probably never seen someone a little crazy. 

And yet he's met Orochimaru. 

Gaara raised his sand, ready to attack as Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

I glanced at Kabuto, who was still beside me the whole time. He was just watching the fight, I couldn't see his face so I couldn't see what he was thinking. 

"Hey, thanks for all your help Anbu guy, so it looks like Hinata is going to make a full recovery with just a bit of rest." I heard Kiba from behind us. 

"Oh, is that right?" Kabuto responded. Akamaru barked at him. 

I smiled, the dog knew. 

"What's wrong, you know this guy? Come on, there's no way you could. He's an Anbu black ops." Kabuto turned to look at him as Akamaru continued barking. 

"Hold on, I don't get it, what are you talking about? At the examination?" 

Kabuto raised his hand, I gave him a glare as it lit up with chakra. 

"This is what he's talking about," Kabuto palmed Kiba's chest, making him pass out. I caught him before he hit the ground. "You're an ass," I frowned. 

 Kabuto didn't speak, he just stared. 

I laid Kiba on the wall with Akamaru on his lap. I frowned at Kabuto and looked back to the fight. Gaara had already put the sand around him in a sphere. 

"Kakashi sensei!" I heard Naruot run up with Shikamaru. 

"What is it, Naruto?" Kakashi turned to face him. 

"Sensei please! You just have to stop this match right away," Naruto pleaded urgently. "What?" He asked. 

"The guy Sasuke is fighting is completely different than the rest of us. He's about as far from normal as you can get!" 

Not true actually, he's a traumatized preteen who is getting used. 

"Naruto, slow down, what are you trying to say?" Ino questioned. 

"He thinks his point in life is to kill people. Don't you see, if this continues Sasuke will die!" 

Not if Orochimaru has anything to say about it. 

Oh wait, he does!

"You've gotta believe me," Naruto was getting a bit desperate. Kakashi looked like he was considering it before looking back at the fight. 

Sasuke was slightly banged up from the last hit, and Gaara was still in his little cocoon. Sasuke was trying to assess what to do, he stood on guard a few meters away. A small sand eye appeared, levitating above the sand Cocoon Gaara was in. 

Kakashi finally sighed, "Relax, there's no need to panic. You know, Sasuke and I weren't just goofing around, there's a reason we're late getting here." 

There better be! 

I looked back to the fight and smirked, Sasuke had his sharingan activated. It had two tomoe, almost complete. 

Sasuke ran at the cocoon and tried many times to destroy it. Kunai, kicks, punches and more! Yet, there was one last thing, a new technique he hadn't tried yet. As he did the hand signs, a confident smirk appeared on his face. 


Waves of chakra and lightning exploited from Sasuke's left hand, destroying everything in its path. Sasuke ran straight towards where Gaara was, not letting any more time go to waste. 

Then, he made contact. 

Everyone in the arena was quiet. Eagerly waiting to see the results of Sasuke's new jutsu. It looked like he broke through, yet there was no reaction. 

While we were waiting for something to happen, Kabuto disappeared. I frowned, still knowing where he was, yet not doing anything about it. 

Everyone had held their breath as Sasuke didn't move. 


A/n I just updated my little storybook notes on what will happen for the rest of Naruto and a bit of Naruto Shippuden, so that's fun! But the ending is still up for debate~ Let's see where Ishi and everyone will take us! Enjoy~

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