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Sophia’s POV

I woke up the next morning, feeling surprisingly refreshed in my new environment.

The anticipation of my first day at school filled me with a lot of emotions that I couldn’t even begin to explain.

I quickly took a shower, letting the warm water wash away any lingering sleepiness. I stood in front of my closet, contemplating what to wear, a mischievous thought crossed my mind, I was going to start my mission today and it will start with showing a lot more skin than usual – a crop top and blue jeans might just catch Henry's attention. But I shook my head, scolding myself for even entertaining such ideas. It wasn't the right time for that kind of attention-seeking behavior.

I settled on a more modest outfit – a simple blouse and slacks. I was determined to make a good impression without resorting to desperate tactics. Atleast not yet, I was going to leave that for later, and afterall, I have never been one who was into fancy dresses and all that.

I descended the stairs to the dining room, the aroma of freshly prepared breakfast greeted me. The table was set with wheat bread and omelettes, and to my surprise, Henry was already seated, looking dashing in a black tuxedo.

"You look good," I couldn't help but comment, admiring his choice of attire.

He glanced up at me, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Thank you. But is this what you're planning to wear on your first day of school?"

I glanced down at my outfit – a modest blouse and slacks. "Yeah, what's wrong with it?"

He sighed, as if grappling with how to express his thoughts. "Sophia, your first day at school is also your chance to make a good impression on your professors and classmates. It's important to come across as professional and serious. Not… simple"

I raised an eyebrow, slightly irritated. "So, you're saying I can't make a good impression in slack and a simple top?"

Henry leaned back in his chair, clearly choosing his words carefully. "It's not about the clothes per se, but more about the image you want to project. You want to show that you're taking your education seriously and that you're ready to excel."

I let out a frustrated sigh. "I get that, but I also want to be myself. I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not just to make a 'professional' impression."

Henry's expression softened, and he looked at me with a glance that only him could conjure with. "I'm not asking you to pretend. Just consider that first impressions do matter, especially in a new environment. You can still be yourself while choosing an outfit that reflects your eagerness to learn."

I crossed my arms, feeling a bit defensive. "I appreciate your advice, really, but I don't think my outfit should determine how serious I am about my education."

He sighed again, a hint of exasperation in his tone. "It's not about the outfit itself. It's about how you present yourself. But ultimately, it's your choice."

I couldn't deny the logic in his words, but a part of me wanted to rebel against the idea of conforming to a certain image just for the sake of making a good impression. "Fine, I'll consider it," I muttered, my stubbornness showing.

Henry's lips quirked into a faint smile. "That's all I'm asking."

Henry and I continued our breakfast conversation, the air a mix of playfulness and seriousness. He assured me that he was fine with whatever outfit I chose, as long as it was decent. I couldn't resist flashing a teasing smile and remarking, "Yes, daddy." His reaction was immediate, a groan escaping his lips as he told me firmly that he wasn't "my daddy" and to stop calling him that. My smile only widened – it was amusing to see him flustered.

As the conversation shifted, Henry broached the topic of setting some living rules now that I was under his roof. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his seriousness. "Living rules?" I echoed, pretending to be taken aback.

He nodded, maintaining his seriousness. "Rules that will help us coexist peacefully."

I leaned back in my chair, feigning exasperation. "Why do you always have to be so serious?"

He met my gaze, unwavering. "If setting rules seems too serious, then so be it." he was getting so apprehensive, I don’t know what I said that made him this angry.

With a theatrical sigh, I gave in. "Alright, what kind of rules are we talking about here?"

He began to list off his ideas, and as he did, I realized some of them were quite reasonable. A curfew, though, was the one that caught me off guard. "A curfew?" I exclaimed incredulously.

Henry nodded, unapologetic. "Yes, a curfew. 9 PM."

My eyes widened in disbelief. "Henry, I'm not in high school anymore. I can't believe you expect me to be back by 9 PM."

He responded with a calm expression. "I understand you're not in high school, but you're living under my roof. I just want to know you're safe."

I huffed, folding my arms. "Fine, but I'm not promising I'll always make it back by then."

He chuckled softly. "As long as you let me know if you're going to be later."

I nodded begrudgingly, then couldn't resist a sarcastic tone. "Oh, thank you for being such a considerate and caring landlord."

He smiled back. "You're welcome. Now, onto another rule – no having any men over at my house."

I arched an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Oh really? Not even a study group or something?"

He shook his head, his gaze steady. "No men."

I leaned forward, a glint of mischief in my eyes. "What if I want to have a girls' night? Is that allowed?"

He raised an eyebrow, clearly unswayed by my attempt to bend the rules. "Girls' nights are fine, as long as they don't turn into parties."

I smirked, satisfied with the outcome of our rule negotiation. "Okay, Mr. Serious, I'll abide by your rules... for now."

He chuckled, pushing his plate away. "I'm glad to hear that."

As we wrapped up our breakfast conversation, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of apprehension and amusement about living under Henry's roof. It was going to be an interesting adjustment, navigating the boundaries he'd set while maintaining my own sense of independence.

“ I have to go to the campus now, today would be a long day for me,”

“The driver is already  here, I gave him a list of instructions, he closes by 6 pm, so any extra-curricular activities you would have to take an Uber,”

“How about I call you, won’t you come get me,” I teased him, I love how he is already on edge by my statements.

“Call an Uber Sophia”

Gosh, I love how he says my name, it gives me mind orgasm.

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