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Chapter 65


I tiptoed into the living room, careful not to wake Henry, who was blissfully asleep. The soft glow of the lamp painted a cozy ambiance, and I settled onto the couch, cradling my phone in my hand. A few taps and Kylie's familiar voice greeted me on the other end.

"Hey, Sophia! How's everything going? Spill the tea!"

A giggle bubbled up within me, and I launched into a lively account of our time in France. "Girl, you won't believe the drama we had at the museum. So, Henry and I are just casually enjoying the art, right?"

Kylie chuckled, "Go on, I'm all ears."

"Then, out of nowhere, these two guys decide they need my number. I tell them I'm with Henry, and they start with this whole 'daddy issues' nonsense. Henry, being the knight in shining armor, told them off, but they just wouldn't quit."

Kylie burst into laughter, "Seriously? And then?"

"Henry punched one of them! Can you believe it? I mean, I told him not to, but he couldn't stand their trash talk."

"Oh my God, Sophia, your life is like a movie. So, did they at least leave you alone after that?"

"Yeah, they got kicked out of the museum, and we had a good laugh about it. But seriously, who knew defending a lady's honor would involve throwing punches?"

Kylie quipped, "Well, you've got a real-life action hero, Sophia. That's something."

Our conversation took a turn to the guys who had hit on me, and Kylie couldn't contain her curiosity. "Tell me more about these guys. Was Henry like, super jealous?"

"He was more annoyed than jealous. I mean, I shut them down immediately, but they just wouldn't take the hint. Henry had to step in, and you know the rest."

"He's quite the protective boyfriend, huh? But I have to ask, did you enjoy the attention?"

I laughed, "Oh, come on, Kylie. You know I'm all about Henry. Those guys were just a minor annoyance in our grand French adventure."

We traded stories and banter, reminiscing about the highlights of our trip. From the Eiffel Tower to the museum escapade, every tale was embellished with laughter and shared camaraderie.

As the clock ticked on, I glanced at the bedroom door, making sure not to disturb Henry's peaceful slumber. The glow of the lamp painted a warm hue on the living room walls, creating a haven for our late-night confidence.

"So, Kylie, how's everything back home?" I inquired, wanting to hear about her escapades as well.

I sank into the plush cushions of the couch, the phone cradled between my ear and shoulder as Kylie's voice floated through the line.

"Sophia, I've been thinking about Thanksgiving. I've got a surprise for you."

My eyes lit up with curiosity. "A surprise? Kylie, you're killing me here. What is it?"

"Well, drumroll, please. I'm coming over for Thanksgiving! How does that sound?"

My heart skipped a beat. "No way! That's incredible! You, Thanksgiving, and all the craziness? Count me in!"

We giggled like schoolgirls planning the next sleepover, imagining the laughter and warmth that Thanksgiving would bring. Then, amid our excitement, Kylie's tone shifted, becoming more serious.

"Alright, now spill the beans. How's everything with Henry? Are you two still in the honeymoon phase?"

I chuckled, "More like the 'every day feels like a honeymoon' phase. Kylie, I can't tell you how much I'm in love with him. He's amazing."

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