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Henry’s POV

I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched Sophia stroll in with that guy, the audacity of him giving her a peck right in my driveway. Fury bubbled up within me, my heart pounding as I fought to keep my anger in check. This was exactly what I feared – her disregard for the rules and her penchant for pushing boundaries.

As she entered the living room, I could practically feel the tension in the air. "Sophia," I said, my voice firm, "why are you so late? And who is he?" I pointedly looked at the guy, a glare in my eyes that I hoped conveyed my displeasure.

Her response was the last thing I wanted to hear. "I lost track of time, okay? And this is Jason, he gave me a ride home." She sounded defiant, challenging even. But this was my house, my rules, and I wasn't about to let her insolence slide.

I gritted my teeth, my frustration mounting. "You can't just disregard the curfew I set for you. It's for your safety."

Sophia rolled her eyes, her arms crossing defensively. "Safety? I'm a grown woman, Henry. I don't need a curfew like I'm back in high school."

I took a deep breath, struggling to maintain my composure. "This is my house, Sophia. My rules."

"Your rules are stupid," she retorted, her defiance driving me to the edge.

"Are you drunk?" I asked, watching as she laughed, a hint of amusement in her eyes.

"Just a little," she admitted with a smirk, and I shook my head in disbelief. This was not the kind of behavior I expected from someone living under my roof.

"I should take you upstairs," I said firmly, my patience running thin.

A mischievous glint danced in her eyes. "You'll have to earn the right to be in my room," she quipped, causing a mixture of irritation and bewilderment to surge within me.

I looked at her, puzzled. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, I do," she said with a self-assured smile that threw me off balance. There was something intriguing about her, a challenge that both frustrated and fascinated me.

I sighed heavily, realizing that arguing further might only escalate the situation. "Just go to your room. We'll discuss the consequences of your actions tomorrow."

Sophia burst into laughter, her defiance seemingly unshakable. "Consequences? Are you going to ground me?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, my frustration giving way to a sense of resignation. "You know, sometimes I wonder what I've gotten myself into by agreeing to let you stay here."

She smirked at me, that same spark of challenge in her eyes. "You're the one who wanted to play house, Henry."

As she turned and walked away, I watched her retreat to her room, a mixture of exasperation and something else – something I couldn't quite put my finger on – swirling within me. This situation was far from what I had anticipated when I agreed to have her stay with me.


The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. As I descended the stairs, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something much more complicated with Sophia. I needed to address things head-on and make sure my rules were respected – I wasn't going to let her define my life or my home.

I took a quick shower, trying to clear my mind as the water cascaded over me. With a deep breath, I headed downstairs, determined to have that talk with her. But what I walked into was beyond my imagination.

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