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I couldn't shake the whirlwind of emotions and complications that had become my life recently. So, I did what I always did when I needed a reality check, a laugh, or just some good old-fashioned advice – I called Kylie.

As soon as she picked up, I dived right into the drama. "Girl, you won't believe the mess I'm in right now. Remember Henry? Well, he's been giving me those judgmental, 'I know what's best for you' lectures, and it's driving me insane."

Kylie chuckled on the other end. "Oh, dear. What did he say this time?"

I groaned dramatically. "He's upset because I've been pretending to date Jason. Can you believe it? And the worst part is that he's right. I can't keep lying to my dad like this, but I don't know how to fix it without making everything more complicated."

Kylie's laughter was infectious. "Well, well, well, Sophia, you've gotten yourself into quite the telenovela, haven't you?"

I rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see me. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. But you know me, I can't resist a little drama."

Kylie laughed some more before turning serious. "Okay, let's dissect this mess. First, Henry. Is there something more going on there?"

I sighed, knowing she was onto something. "Honestly, Kylie, I don't know anymore. There's this undeniable tension between us, and it's driving me crazy. But we can't go there, you know? It's too complicated."

She gave a thoughtful hum. "Well, you can't ignore it either. Maybe it's time for a real heart-to-heart with him. But let's get back to Jason and your dad. Are you ever going to come clean?"

I hesitated, twirling the phone cord around my finger. "I should. Dad deserves to know the truth. But then there's Kayla, his new girlfriend, and that's a whole other issue. I don't trust her, Kylie."

Kylie's voice was filled with empathy. "That's tough, Soph. But if you care about your dad, maybe give her a chance. People can surprise you."

I sighed, knowing she was right. "Yeah, I know. But it's just hard when it feels like everyone's got an agenda, you know?"

Kylie's tone became more reassuring. "Hey, you're not alone in this. You've got your friends, including me, to help you navigate this chaos. And speaking of friends, have you made any new ones at UCLA?"

I brightened up a bit. "Yeah, actually, I met this girl named Jannette. She's pretty cool, and she's been helping me keep my sanity."

Kylie laughed. "Well, at least you're not completely drowning in drama. Just remember, Sophia, life is never easy, but that's what makes it interesting. Embrace the chaos, and you'll come out of it stronger."

I smiled, grateful for Kylie's wisdom. "Thanks, Kylie. You always know how to put things into perspective. Now, I guess I should figure out how to untangle this mess."

Kylie's voice was full of warmth. "You've got this, Sophia. And remember, I'm just a call away whenever you need a reality check or a good laugh."

We chatted a bit longer, discussing everything from classes to the latest celebrity gossip. As I hung up, I couldn't help but feel a little lighter, a little more ready to face the tangled web of my life head-on. With Kylie by my side, how bad could it really be?


As the day of my dad's departure approached, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Part of me was sad to see him go, while another part was relieved that maybe, just maybe, the drama that had engulfed our lives would simmer down in his absence.

On the morning of his departure, I made my way to the kitchen where he was enjoying a cup of coffee. I leaned against the counter and gave him a half-hearted smile.

"Morning, Dad," I greeted.

He looked up from his newspaper and smiled warmly. "Morning, sweetheart. Sleep well?"

I shrugged, not wanting to admit that I'd spent most of the night tossing and turning, dreading the inevitable farewell. "Eh, not bad."

Kayla, who had been helping herself to a muffin, chimed in cheerfully, "Good morning, Sophia!"

I nodded in her direction but didn't say anything. My feelings toward her hadn't changed much, but for my dad's sake, I was making an effort to be civil.

Dad folded his newspaper and set it aside. "So, sweetheart, I've got to head to the airport soon."

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat. "Yeah, I know."

He stood and approached me, enveloping me in a warm hug. "I'm going to miss you, Sophia."

I hugged him back, feeling a pang of sadness. "I'll miss you too, Dad."

Kayla cleared her throat, and I reluctantly pulled away from the embrace. She smiled at me, a hint of nervousness in her eyes. "Sophia, I hope we can get to know each other better while your dad's away, maybe when you come home for holidays we can go on a girl trip and have some quality time together."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes, reminding myself that this was my dad's happiness on the line. "Sure, Kayla, we'll see how it goes."

Dad seemed genuinely pleased by my response. "That's my girl, always giving people a chance."

As the time to leave for the airport approached, I helped load their bags into the car, silently cursing the universe for making me play nice with Kayla. Dad had arranged for a ride, so it was just the three of us in the car. The tension inside was palpable.

During the drive, we made small talk about their upcoming trip, avoiding the elephant in the car—my strained relationship with Kayla. As we neared the airport, I finally mustered the courage to address the issue.

"Look, Dad, I know you're happy with Kayla, and I don't want to ruin that for you. But you should know that I'm not entirely comfortable with all of this," I confessed, my gaze fixed on the road ahead.

Dad sighed, running a hand through his graying hair. "Sophia, I appreciate your honesty. I really do. But I hope you can give Kayla a chance. She's an important part of my life, and I hope someday she can be a part of yours too."

I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat. "I'll try, Dad, for you."

Kayla reached across the seat to pat my hand. "Thank you, Sophia. I promise I'm not here to replace your mom. I just want to be a positive presence in your dad's life."

The sincerity in her voice was hard to deny, and I found myself nodding again. "Okay, Kayla. I'll try."

We arrived at the airport, and I helped them with their luggage once more. As we stood in the bustling terminal, I realized that this was the moment of truth. I couldn't let my own reservations destroy my dad's chance at happiness.

Dad gave me another hug, and this time I held on a little longer. "Take care, sweetheart. I'll call you as soon as I land."

I nodded, blinking back tears. "You better, Dad."

As they turned to go through security, Kayla turned to me and smiled. "We'll be back before you know it, Sophia. And maybe we can spend some time together when I return."

I smiled back, feeling a little more hopeful. "Sounds good, Kayla."

As I watched them disappear into the security line, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and optimism. Maybe, just maybe, this chapter of my life would bring some much-needed peace and happiness.

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