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I sauntered into the dining room, the morning light dancing across the table, and found Henry already seated, lost in thought. His furrowed brows and distant gaze made me wonder if it was too early to ask for a favor. But I couldn't let that deter me. With a cheerful smile, I greeted him.

"Good morning, Henry," I began, trying to set a positive tone. "I've got a little favor to ask."

He looked up, his eyes meeting mine with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "Sure thing, Sophia. You know you can ask me anything."

Encouraged by his response, I leaned in slightly, my voice tinged with enthusiasm. "I want to intern at your company."

Henry's response came quicker than I expected, and it was not what I wanted to hear. "No."

My smile wavered for a brief moment as I tried to process his answer. "But you said I could ask you anything."

He let out a resigned sigh, his expression unwavering. "I did, but this is something I can't agree to."

My determination flared, and I met his refusal with a healthy dose of persistence. "Why not? You've always told me I can do anything I set my mind to."

Henry remained resolute, his voice unwavering. "I stand by that, but not this, Sophia. I'll find you an internship elsewhere, but it won't be at my company."

Frustration surged within me. "But I'm more than capable of handling it, and I need it for extra credit. Plus, I'm pretty sure I can bring some fresh ideas to your company's social media."

The argument escalated as we exchanged reasons and counterarguments. I pushed my case with determination, emphasizing my skills and the convenience of interning at a place where I was familiar. Still, Henry's refusal remained absolute.

Our debate raged on, neither of us willing to concede. I was determined to intern at his company, and he was equally determined to prevent it.

Finally, it became clear that our standstill was unbreakable. Henry pushed his chair back, preparing to leave the table. His parting words reverberated in the room. "My decision is final."

I watched him go, a whirlwind of frustration and disappointment swirling inside me. I hadn't won this round, but I refused to let it end here. I couldn't help but wonder what lay behind his adamant refusal, and I was resolved to uncover the truth.
As I sat on the weathered bench in the bustling school courtyard with Jannette, our giggles danced through the warm afternoon air. The topic du jour? The recent test grades, of course. We were engrossed in dissecting the misadventures of our fellow students.

"Can you believe it, Sophia?" Jannette exclaimed, her eyes wide with incredulity. "Dave, you know, the guy who practically lives in the library? He got a C-minus!"

I shook my head in mock disbelief. "No way! Dave and his library fortress couldn't save him this time?"

Jannette's laughter erupted, a melody of mirth that echoed our own. "Exactly! And Sarah, the queen of color-coded study guides? She got a D!"

We shared a hearty laugh, marveling at the unpredictability of test outcomes. But just as we were getting into the juicy details of Sarah's tragic downfall, our merriment came to an abrupt halt.

A suave figure approached us, his trademark charisma trailing behind him like a loyal puppy. It was Jason, our ever-charming course advisor. Jannette, with a peculiar swiftness that caught me off guard, sprang to her feet.

"Hey there, ladies," Jason greeted us with a grin that could rival the sun. His pearly whites practically sparkled.

"Hi, Jason," I managed to reply, trying to sound nonchalant while wondering why Jannette had transformed into a human spring.

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