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Sophia’s Pov

I stepped into the party, the lively atmosphere engulfed me. Jason greeted me with a warm smile, expressing his delight that I had made it. He introduced me to his friends – Molly, Adrian, and Kyle. I took a seat, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Hey there, glad you could join us!" Jason said, his easygoing demeanor putting me at ease.

As I settled in, they encouraged me to grab a drink and join them. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should indulge, but decided to join in on the fun. After all, it was just one drink, right?

"So, tell us about yourself, Sophia," Molly chimed in, her eyes curious.

I smiled, feeling surprisingly comfortable in their presence. "I'm a freshman majoring in creative writing. I've always been good at expressing myself through writing."

Jason nodded in agreement, adding, "Writing is a beautiful craft. It takes a lot to put your thoughts and emotions into words."

Molly's mischievous grin took center stage. "Hey, do I sense some kind of sexual tension between you two?" she teased, winking at me.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Oh please, Molly! Jason's a nice guy, but I'm here for the college experience, not for romance."

Jason chuckled along, adding, "Well, you heard her. No hard feelings, I promise."

Adrian offered me a drink, which I politely declined. "I don't drink, actually."

Kyle chimed in, playfully nudging me. "Come on, don't be a party pooper. It's just one drink."

After a moment of consideration, I relented and agreed to have a drink. "Alright, one drink won't hurt."

As we continued chatting, Molly steered the conversation into the realm of politics, particularly the fight against the Black Lives Matter movement. She cracked jokes that kept us all laughing, even though the topic was serious.

"I mean, can you believe how convoluted the whole situation has become?" Molly exclaimed, shaking her head.

I nodded in agreement, feeling the passion in the room. "Absolutely, it's like a tangled web of opinions and misinformation."

Jason leaned forward, a thoughtful expression on his face. "It's important to approach these discussions with an open mind and really listen to different perspectives."

As the conversation continued, I found myself engaged and surprised at how comfortable I felt sharing my thoughts with these new acquaintances. The energy of the party, coupled with their friendly banter, created an atmosphere that was both enjoyable and intellectually stimulating.

Before I knew it, time had flown by and the party was in full swing. I couldn't help but smile as I looked around at the people around me, realizing that maybe Jason was right – I did need to let loose and have some fun.

As the conversation about Black Lives Matter came to a natural pause, Kyle suggested that they switch topics. "Alright, enough of the heavy stuff. Let's switch gears, shall we?"

They all chuckled in agreement, the transition from serious discussions to lightheartedness was surprisingly seamless.

Adrian, always the one for spontaneity, piped up, "How about a game of truth or dare?"

I raised an eyebrow, slightly amused. "Truth or dare? Isn't that a game for kids?"

Molly grinned mischievously. "Oh, we don't play it like kids. Trust me, you're in for a ride."

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