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Henry's POV

I was buried in reports when the door to my office swung open. I glanced up to see Jake, a business partner with a knack for saying exactly the wrong things at the wrong time.

"Hey, Henry, have you met the new intern? Sophia, right?" Jake asked, a sly grin playing on his face.

I tried to keep my cool, offering a nonchalant nod. "Yeah, Sophia. She's part of the team now."

Jake leaned against the doorframe, his tone taking on a teasing edge. "She's quite the catch, Henry. I saw her in the breakroom. Didn't know interns could look like that."

I clenched my jaw, the urge to tell Jake to mind his own business simmering beneath the surface. "Sophia is here to work, Jake. Let's keep it professional."

He chuckled, clearly enjoying my discomfort. "Oh, come on, Henry. Don't tell me you haven't noticed. The intern is turning heads already."

I forced a tight smile. "We're here to discuss business, Jake. Any thoughts on the latest proposal?"

Jake ignored my attempt to change the subject. "Seriously, though, Henry, is she single? I might want to invite her for a drink sometime."

That was it. My patience snapped like a dry twig. I stood up, my chair scraping against the floor. "Jake, listen carefully. Sophia is off-limits. She's here to work, not to be the subject of your next pickup attempt. Got it?"

Jake raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "What's the big deal, Henry? Just making casual conversation."

I took a deep breath, trying to rein in my rising anger. "The big deal is that she's my intern. I won't have you or anyone else treating her like some object of interest. Got it now?"

He shrugged, still grinning. "Fine, Henry. I was just messing around. No need to get all territorial."

Territorial? Maybe I was. But I wasn't about to let Jake or anyone else treat Sophia as if she were some prize to be won. She was here to learn, to contribute, not to be the topic of office gossip.

I sat back down, hoping to steer the conversation back to safer waters. "Now, about that proposal. Any feedback?"

Jake, however, wasn't done pushing my buttons. "Come on, Henry, you can't blame a guy for trying. Besides, it's not like you're dating her, right?"

My patience evaporated. "That's none of your business, Jake. Stay away from Sophia, and let's focus on the work we're here to do."

He chuckled, clearly amused by my reaction. "Alright, alright. I'll keep my distance. But I can't promise others will do the same. She's the talk of the office already."

I fought the urge to slam my fist on the table. "I don't care what others are saying. Sophia is here for her skills and her potential. If anyone crosses the line, they'll answer to me."

Jake raised his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay. No need to go all alpha male on me. I get it. Sophia is off-limits."

I leaned back in my chair, seething with frustration. "Good. Now, can we focus on the proposals and leave the personal stuff out of it?"

Jake nodded, finally sensing that he had pushed me far enough. "Sure, Henry. Let's get back to business."

As Jake left my office, I couldn't shake the irritation coursing through my veins. Sophia deserved better than to be the target of office gossip and unwanted attention. If anyone thought they could mess with her, they had another thing coming.

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