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I sat at my desk, trying to focus on the paperwork before me, but my mind kept drifting to Sophia. It had been days since we last spoke, and a heavy cloud of worry hung over me. The door to my office creaked open, and Lynda, my ever-curious assistant, sauntered in.

"Hey, Henry. Any news from Sophia?" Her voice carried a note of concern, mirrored by the furrow on her brow.

I sighed, my eyes betraying the distress within. "No, not a word. I'm starting to get really worried."

As if on cue, my phone buzzed, a glimmer of hope sparking in my chest. I answered, only to be met with Kayla's trembling voice. "Henry, it's Sophia. She's in the hospital. She overdosed."

My heart sank, the weight of those words pressing down on me like a ton of bricks. "What? I'm on my way," I stammered, scrambling to grab my coat.

Lynda, ever the pragmatic one, tried to hold me back. "Henry, rushing there might not be the best idea. You could complicate things."

I shot her a sharp look, my distress turning to frustration. "This is Sophia we're talking about. I can't just sit here!"

She crossed her arms, her expression defiant. "I get it, Henry, but barging in might not be what she needs right now. She's in the hospital; let them do their job."

I shook my head, impatience bubbling within me. "Lynda, this is different. Sophia needs someone right now, and I can't just stay here twiddling my thumbs."

She stepped closer, her tone turning stern. "You rushing there won't change what happened. It might even make things worse. Let the professionals handle it."

I clenched my fists, my frustration boiling over. "Lynda, you don't understand. I can't just sit back and-"

She cut me off, her voice unwavering. "Henry, I know you care about her, but you need to think about what's best for Sophia right now. Going there in a panic might not be it."

I paced around the office, torn between the logic of Lynda's words and the overwhelming need to be by Sophia's side. "I can't just do nothing. I need to be there for her."

Lynda softened, her concern evident. "I get it, Henry. I really do. But sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing, especially when we care about someone."

I ran my hand through my hair, a gesture of frustration. "I just can't help but feel responsible for all this. I should've done more to protect her."

Lynda approached me, her hand resting gently on my shoulder. "Henry, you can't control everything. Life is messy, and people make their choices. All we can do is be there for them."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions. "You're right, Lynda. I just... I need to figure out how to be there for her without making things worse."

She nodded, a reassuring smile on her face. "And you will, Henry. Sophia's strong, and she's lucky to have someone who cares about her as much as you do."

I nodded, a mix of determination and anxiety swirling within me. "I'm going to the hospital, Lynda. I need to see her, even if it's just from a distance."

She sighed, realizing she couldn't dissuade me. "Just be careful, Henry. For both your sakes."

I stepped into the sterile brightness of the hospital, my nerves jangling like a discordant melody. The air seemed charged with tension, and my eyes quickly found Collins, standing like a sentinel near Sophia's room. As I approached, his eyes bore into mine, a mix of anger and concern playing on his face.

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