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Kylie's voice echoed through the phone as I dialed her number, seeking solace in the midst of the chaos that had become my day. "Hey, Soph, what's up?" she chirped.

I sighed, the exhaustion evident in my voice. "Kylie, it's been a day. A terrible, no-good, absolutely dreadful day."

Her concern kicked in instantly. "Uh-oh. Spill the tea, girl. What happened?"

Taking a deep breath, I began recounting the harrowing encounter with Jake, the harasser extraordinaire. "So, picture this: a typical office day, and out of nowhere, Jake decides it's prime time to be a total creep. He cornered me, Kylie. Literally. Tried to lay one on me, right there in the office."

Kylie's gasp reverberated through the phone. "No way! That's insane. What did you do?"

"I slapped him, Kylie. Slapped him like they do in the old movies. And that's not even the worst part," I groaned.

"Wait, there's more?" Kylie's incredulous tone pushed me to spill the entire saga.

"Yeah, brace yourself. Henry, my knight in shining armor, barged in, found out, and, well, let's just say, punches were thrown. Office chaos, courtesy of yours truly."

Kylie's laughter danced through the phone. "Sophia, you've officially made your mark on the workplace drama scale. That's some telenovela-level stuff right there."

"Trust me, I wish it were a soap opera. But it's my life. And now, there's this insufferable colleague, Gwen, adding fuel to the fire, insinuating that Henry's using me and all. It's exhausting, Kylie," I confessed.

Kylie's tone softened. "Soph, that's messed up. No one deserves that kind of drama. Have you talked to HR or something?"

I chuckled, a bitter edge to my laughter. "That's the thing, Ky. Jake might get reprimanded, but what about Gwen? She's spreading rumors like wildfire, and it's making my head spin."

Kylie paused, considering the gravity of the situation. "You know what, Soph? You're better than this. Don't let these people get under your skin. You and Henry know what you have, and that's what matters."

"But Kylie, it's relentless. Everywhere I turn, there's drama. I just want a normal, drama-free day. Is that too much to ask for?"

She sighed empathetically. "Soph, you've got to stand your ground. People will talk, but you can't control that. What you can control is how you react. And remember, you've got friends who've got your back, no matter what."

The weariness lifted, if only for a moment, as Kylie's words resonated with a truth that I often overlooked. "Thanks, Kylie. I needed that. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day."

"Absolutely! And if not, well, we'll just have to grab some ice cream and binge-watch something mindless. How does that sound?"

A genuine smile tugged at my lips. "Sounds like a plan, Kylie. Thanks for being my anchor in this storm."

"Kylie, you won't believe what Gwen said today," I blurted out, my frustration seeping into the phone.

"What did she do now?" Kylie's voice held a mix of curiosity and concern.

"She cornered me in the break room, and out of nowhere, she goes, 'Must be nice getting all those perks because you're dating Henry.'"

Kylie audibly groaned. "Seriously? She's pulling that card now?"

"Exactly! I was like, 'Gwen, we're professionals. Our relationship doesn't spill into work like that.' But she wouldn't let up, accusing me of getting special treatment. It's infuriating!"

Kylie's supportive tone cut through the tension. "Soph, you know you've earned your place there. It's not about Henry. You're good at what you do."

"I wish she understood that. Now, I'm the girl who's apparently getting a free pass because her boyfriend is the boss," I huffed.

Kylie's laughter echoed through the phone. "Soph, welcome to the workplace soap opera. You've got the love triangle, the villainous co-worker, and all the drama in between."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "If only it were as entertaining as a soap opera. At least then, I'd have a script to follow."

"True. But hey, you're not alone. You've got me, and I'm ready to be the voice of reason—or comic relief, whichever you need."

"Thanks, Kylie. Seriously, your humor is a lifesaver right now. I needed a good laugh."

"That's what friends are for. Now, let's come up with a plan. How about you address the office, make it clear that your personal life doesn't dictate your professional success?"

I considered Kylie's suggestion. "You know what? That might just work. A little public service announcement to set the record straight."

"Exactly! And if anyone still thinks you're playing favorites, well, they'll have to deal with a mighty dose of Sophia realness."

"Love that. Sophia realness it is. Thanks, Kylie. You're a genius."

"I will try. Now, go conquer that office drama, Super Soph."

I hung up, I couldn't help but smile. With Kylie in my corner, even the messiest workplace saga felt a bit more manageable. Time for some Sophia realness to take center stage.

"Hey," Henry's voice broke into my thoughts as he entered the room. I looked up, startled.

"Have you been here the whole time?" I asked, suddenly self-conscious about the private conversation he might have overheard.

"Just came in," he replied, his eyes showing concern. "I heard enough to know you're dealing with a lot, Sophia."

I sighed, realizing there was no hiding it now. "Yeah, Gwen and Jake seem to have made it their mission to make my work life a soap opera."

He took a seat beside me. "I'm sorry you're going through this. Maybe I was wrong to insist on you working here."

I shook my head. "Henry, don't blame yourself. I knew what I was getting into. Besides, I can't let Gwen and Jake drive me away. I won't let them win."

Henry looked genuinely regretful. "I just hate seeing you caught in the crossfire because of me."

"It's not your fault, Henry. And you can't shield me from everything. I signed up for this relationship knowing it wouldn't be a walk in the park."

He took my hands in his. "I just want you to be happy. I don't want our relationship to make your life harder."

"I appreciate that, I really do. But life's messy, and relationships can be challenging. I'm not here for an easy ride; I'm here because I want to be with you."

He smiled, a mixture of relief and affection. "You're amazing, you know that?"

I chuckled. "Well, you don't get to date the daughter of your best friend without a bit of amazing."

He leaned in and kissed me passionately. In that moment, it felt like the chaos around us disappeared. It was just Henry and me, facing whatever challenges came our way. And as we pulled away, I knew we could handle anything together.

"Thank you for understanding," he whispered.

"Always, Henry. Now, let's face this office drama head-on. Gwen and Jake won't know what hit them."

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