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I strolled through the mall, trying to clear my mind from the Catherine-induced chaos at home. Retail therapy was my go-to, and today's mission was simple: find a cute dress and maybe a new pair of shoes to distract myself from the looming storm.

As I scanned the racks, my fingers grazing over fabrics, I heard an unsettling voice behind me. "Sophia, darling, fancy meeting you here."

I turned around, and there she was, Catherine, like a dark cloud hovering over my moment of retail bliss. "Are you stalking me now?" I snapped, unable to hide the irritation in my voice.

Catherine chuckled, a sound that grated on my nerves. "Stalking? Oh, please. I just happen to enjoy the same exquisite taste in fashion."

I rolled my eyes, unimpressed by her thinly veiled attempts at camaraderie. "Cut the act, Catherine. What do you want this time?"

She leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I want what's rightfully mine, Sophia. And you and your dear Henry are going to make sure I get it."

I clenched my fists, struggling to maintain composure. "We're not giving you a cent, Catherine. Your threats won't work on us."

She smirked, as if relishing the power play. "You're more naive than I thought. Your daddy will hear about this sooner or later. Might as well be sooner."

I took a deep breath, reminding myself not to let her get under my skin. "You must be really bored with your life if this is how you entertain yourself."

Catherine's eyes flashed with annoyance, and she grabbed my arm with a force that sent a jolt of anger through me. "You think this is a game? You're messing with the wrong person, Sophia."

I pulled my arm away, defiant. "No, Catherine. You're the one who's mistaken if you think we'll let you destroy what we have. Your games won't work."

She smirked, a malicious glint in her eyes. "We'll see about that, darling. Daddy will be so thrilled to know his little girl is dating a man old enough to be her father."

I shook my head, dismissing her attempt to provoke me. "Go ahead and tell him. We're not afraid."

As Catherine sashayed away, leaving a trail of tension in her wake, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the storm intensify. This battle was far from over, and I needed to brace myself for whatever Catherine had up her sleeve next.


Dad's call always brought a mix of comfort and tension. Today, it was more of the latter. As I picked up the phone, I braced myself for whatever news Catherine had spun.

"Hey, Dad," I answered, trying to inject cheerfulness into my voice.

"Hey, sweetheart. Just wanted to check in. Catherine called, said she ran into you at the mall and mentioned something about being sick. Everything okay?"

Ah, the theatrical Catherine strikes again. I took a deep breath, not wanting to let on that her words had stirred any worry. "Yeah, Dad, everything's fine. She's just playing her usual drama. You know how she is."

Dad sighed, and I could almost see him shaking his head on the other end of the line. "I wish she'd find a hobby that doesn't involve dragging you into her theatrics. Are you sure you're okay, though?"

I nodded, even though he couldn't see it. "Absolutely, Dad. Don't worry about me. Let's talk about something more exciting. When are you planning to propose to Kayla?"

I could almost hear the smile in his voice. "Ah, changing the subject, huh? Well, I've been thinking about it. Maybe soon. I want to make it special for both of us."

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