Chapter 1. - Grey Eyed Asshole.

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"And that students concludes our campus tour, the cafeteria Is to your left, where you will be given schedules, dorm assignments, and information on where to purchase textbooks.If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email."

I listen to my tour guide finish up her speech after walking us around this huge campus.

God, We've been walking for hours and I still have no clue where my classes are. Not to be rude, but the tour guide spent most of the time flirting with professors then actually telling us about things around campus.

"Miss?"- one of the girls in our tour group speaks up." I was wondering if-" she's cut off when the tour guide speaks again.

" I'm quite sure I said to email me any questions, I have more important things to do right now." She turns, and walks off. Wow, what a bitch.

I make my way to the cafeteria and head straight for the dorm assignment table. After all this, I want to get to my dorm, take a shower, maybe watch my show for a bit, and take a fat nap. As I approach the table the bubbly blonde greets me.

"Hi, welcome to the campus! What can I help ya with?!" She smiles so hard that it looks like it physically hurts...

"uh, I just need my dorm assignment paper... please."

I let my eyes wonder for a moment to take a look around at my fellow isn't exactly what I expected it to be.
"oh of course, what's your name?!" The bubbly blonde asks.

"Zaria....Zaria Williams." Williams. God I hate that name. If I had the time to get it changed I would.

"Zaria Williams, ah here you go! I'm Zoe by the way if you ever need help with anything my contact info is on the sheet too!". I smile, she seems really nice. "Thank you Zoe, I'll keep that in mind. "

With that, I take my dorm assignment, and begin to walk towards the dorms. I walk past the football field on my way, and the football team just so happens to be running without shirts on... and God did they look good. Too busy drooling over the football team, I didn't realize I was walking towards something- or someone.

Next thing I know, I hit something...Hard."What the fuck?" The person says. They still haven't turned around.

"I'm really sorry-" I say while rubbing my head, I hope I don't bruise. "I wasn't paying att-."   

"I don't want your sorry just watch where the fuck you're going." He says, now fully turned around. I look up only to be met with cool grey eyes glaring down at me.

"You don't have to be so rude, I said sorry geez.Get your panties out your ass." I hear laughter behind us, I can't really see who it is because this rude giant is standing in front of me.

"Dude that's the funniest shit I've heard all day." One voice says. "She clowned your ass good." I hear another. The grey eyed asshole's jaw tenses as he turns to his... friends? I guess.

"I'm glad you find this shit so funny, let's see how funny it is when we're in the ring tonight." Ands that's as much as I hear, when he turned to his friends I took that as my exit and headed to my dorm.

~ few hours later

I've just got out the shower, and it felt so good especially after such a long and chaotic day. My mind drifts to the grey eyed asshole. I hope not everyone is as stuck up as he is. I brush my hair up into a poof ball the best that I can, and head to my bag to get my clothes.

As I'm pulling my shirt over my head, I hear the door open, I was expecting my roommate to show up any time now so I don't think much of it as I move to the bathroom to finish getting dressed.

As I exit the bathroom, I don't see any sign of my roommate. Maybe she was in her room? One good thing about these dorm rooms is that they were separated, but we had to share a bathroom. Could be worse though. I walk & plop down on the couch to catch up on my show, and that's when I hear it.

The same voice I heard earlier.

"Why the fuck are you in my dorm?"


Chapter 1.... How'd I do?! Little longer but I want to give people a good first chapter to hopefully get people to read.... If this gets 5 reads I'll post chapter 2!

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