Chapter 10- Dont get comfortable.

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As Ria drives off I turn my attention back to Jayden. "You guys got a thing going on now?" I question as I light another cigarette.

"It's nothing like that, it's just a hug man." He says making his way over to where I stand.

"Jayden... the man who doesn't like to touch people- gave someone he barely fucking knows a hug. And it's nothing?" I say while taking a hit of my cigarette.

"Some shit happened inside, I helped her so she gave me a hug to say thank you. No biggie." He says with a shrug.

"What happened inside?" I question. "Some assholes were messing with ZZ, so I dealt with them." "ZZ?" "Zaria, I thought you were smarter than this." He chuckles. "Watch it, now what happened?"

"Some  pussy had the nerve to raise his fucking hand at her. Had I not been there, he would've fucking hit her." Jayden says, his whole demeanor changing.

Jayden is my best friend, he's been my best friend for damn near 10 years and I've learned one thing. When he's serious, he shouldn't be fucked with. "Who fucking hit her?" I question already making plans in my head to deal with the fucker. "Nobody. He didn't get a chance to. I broke the motherfuckers nose before he could."

"Good...But can I ask you something? Do you like Zaria?" I tense as I wait for his answer. "Nah dude, it's nothing like that.. I feel- a bond.... Which really freaks me the fuck out because I barely fucking know her- but it feels like I've known her forever." He says sighing.

"A bond with the brat? How?" I scoff. "Aww does big and bad Dante want a hug bring it in" he says while moving towards me. "If you hug me, I'll shoot you."

I say with a stern look. He plays it off by scratching the back of his head.

"I'll hug you one day big guy." he chuckles. "You ready to head back in?" "I'm gonna head back to the dorm. I have some.... Stuff to handle" I respond. I need to find out who tried to hit Zaria- because Jayden cares about her. That's all.
"Since when do you actually sleep at your dorm? Plus not getting laid at your own house party dude? Lame." He says while walking back to the door. "Shut the fuck up." I get in my car, and start to drive off.

~ little while later

"Queen please help me out here" I groan as I try to get Queen to stop hugging the stair rail. Curse the damn elevator for being broken. Queen is the worst drunk person I know. She gets emotinal, and clingy. "You know I love you right Zaria?" She says sounding like she about to cry.

"Yes Queen, I know now please get up." I stumble as she continues to become dead weight. What did I do to deserve this? Is this because I messed up the lyrics to Dreams and nightmares at the party?!

"Cmon queen- two more steps left." I hoist her arm over  my shoulder once more & we finally make it to the top. We stumble to her dorm door.

Once I finally get her to let her keys go after she insisted that I was trying to freaking rob her, I got her door open and plopped her on her bed. I took her shoes off, and pulled the covers over her.
~little while

After finally getting Queen to her dorm, I head back to my own. I unlock the door, and ease it open trying to be as quiet as possible. "I heard what happened." A voice speaks. Fuck. Kill me now. "Heard or asked?" I turn around to look at him.

"Doesn't matter, now what happened?" He takes a step towards me. "It doesn't matter I just want to go to bed, and forget today ok?" I walk past- or attempt to before he grabs me by the arm. My weak attempt to struggle is pointless.This dude has an iron grip. Strong bastard.

"Can you let go? What is your problem." "My problem is something happened in my house, and you won't tell me what." He pulls me closer to him. "An immature asshole couldn't take no for an answer and got in his bitchy fucking feelings. Happy now asshole?"

"Watch your fucking mouth." He says in a low.. almost scary tone. "Or what? What will you do?" I push. This asshole thinks I'm going to obey him like a little fucking puppy. I got somethin for that ass.

"You know what? I don't know why I even fucking care. Do whatever. Just don't go crying to my best friend every time you can't handle yourself, princess he has shit to do. He releases my arm and begins to walk off. This asshole.

"I didn't go crying to anyone you jackass. Your bestfriend helped me like a decent fucking person would." I pause taking a deep breath before I continue.

"But you wouldn't understand that because you're a self-centered asshole!" I scream. I've lost my cool now. Deep breathes Zaria. Deep breathes. "Watch. Your. Fucking. Mouth. I won't tell you again." He barks as he turns towards me.

A/N bitch you a dog now?

"Fuck you Dante." And with that, I march straight in my room & slam the door. Why is he such an asshole. Me crying to someone about my problems?! As if. I handle shit by my fucking self.

I slip my pjs on, lay down & turn on SpongeBob. I need a fat blunt. And I don't even smoke. Fuck. I feel myself slowly drifting off before I fall asleep.

10 chapters in... now let's get spicyyyy
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