Chapter 5- Pay attention.

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After the lecture was over me and Zoe quickly make our way out the classroom, we've discovered that we have mostly the same classes, so we agreed to walk together.

We've arrived at our second class, and we might've been a littleeeee bit late because we uh... "got lost" is the excuse me and Zoe came up with but in reality we made a not so quick stop for Starbucks.

I mean, can you blame me? When we enter the classroom, there aren't 2 seats next to each other available, I frown slightly before glancing at Zoe. "Sorry Zaria, looks like we won't be able to sit next to each other but look." She points at a blonde .

"That's my boyfriend I was telling you about and his friend has a seat next to him over there. She points to the other available seat." His name is Carter, and he's super chill, don't worry girl."

She says as we begin to walk to our seats. Although we're late, we still somehow beat the professor here.

"I'm trusting your judgment Zoe." I say as I mumble a few excuses me to get to the empty seat next to Carter.

I plop down in the seat and begin to get my notebook out. "Hey, you're new here right?" Carter ask. I turn my head in his direction staring at his green  eyes.

"Your eyes are really pretty." I blurt out without even realizing it I slap my hand over my mouth.

"Thank you..." he responds  I clear my throat.

"You're welcome and uh, yes I am new." Get it Together Z.

"I figured, what's your name?"


"Makes sense. A pretty name for a pretty girl." He says while scratching the back of his head.

"Seriously?" I say while laughing a little.

"Did I do something wrong?" He  frowns.

"No... that was just probably the corniest thing I've ever heard. But it was cute." I respond .

"You're straightforward... I like that. Never met someone who has insulted me within the first 5 minutes of me talking to them." He says with a chuckle.

"there's a first time for everything Carter." I shrug.

"And you know my name?"

"I do , Zoe told me when we came into class, don't worry I'm not a stalker or anything." I assure him.

" I wouldn't mind-"

"being stalked by a pretty girl like me?" I finish his statement for him."I wasn't gonna-"

"you totally were, don't lie." I crack a smile while trying not to laugh at his  face right now. Priceless.

"You sure are something Zaria."

"I'll take that as a compliment, Carter." I say while turning my attention to the professor who finally decided to show up. His hair is frizzy, his eyes are red, and his  outfit choice.... Is questionable. I can't tell if he got fucked, beat up, or if he's  drunk. This lecture will be... interesting.

After listening to my professor babble about how his wife is having an affair with the Gardner for an hour and a half. Yup, he was definitely drunk. It's finally time for my favorite part of the day. Lunch. I walk with Carter to the cafeteria because Zoe ditched me to go "talk to" her boyfriend. Is the lie she told me, but I clearly saw her heading to the dorms. Go get you some Zoe.

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