Chapter 43- Aftermath

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I wake up in a daze, my body hurts. I feel around, trying to find my glasses. "You're up." The door opens and Luca steps in.

"I am... where- where am I?" I question glancing around the unfamiliar room.

" One of Dante's houses." Luca sets down the bandage wraps on the nightstand before slipping gloves on. "I need to change your bandages. It won't take long. It might hurt a little, but it'll be over quickly."

I nod, shifting to the end of the bed. "What happened?.. with Aaron." Luca sits infront of me, "he's been in the basement catching hell the past few days." Few days??

"How long have I been-"

"4 days."  4 days... school- Queen- practice!

"We took care of everything. I can see the stress on your face." Luca mumbles removing my bandages.

"Oh, thank you." He gently cleans my bruises before applying the fresh bandages.

We sit in silence as he continues to work. "I could've done it." I say, breaking the awkward silence.

"Dante would kill me. Plus, this is kind of my job. "

He slips the gloves off, throwing them in the trash before washing his hands.

I stand from the bed, suddenly feeling a sharp pain. I begin falling over, before Luca assists me. "Don't move around too much. Your rib is bruised, close to a fracture in fact."

That explains the pain. "Thank you." "You're welcome. Sit down, I'll call Dante." I nod, sitting back on the bed. Luca steps out the room to call Dante I assume. I turn on the tv, sinking further into the bed.

                              . . .

I dry my hair off, getting out the shower being careful not to get my bandages wet. I wipe the fog off the mirror, looking at myself for the first time in days. My eyes are swollen, and half my face is covered in bandages.

Damn you Aaron.

I hear the bedroom door open, as I slip on my robe. "Zaria?" Dante speaks, sounding frantic. I step out the bathroom and he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Ria." He gently wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. "I'm so fucking sorry." He mumbles, pulling away. "I'm ok Dante. Really." I assure him.

"He'll pay. I promise you that." I nod, as he pulls me in for another hug. "I missed having you in my arms." My face heats up at his words, "when did you turn into such a softy?" I tease. "Shut the hell up." He chuckles pulling away.

"Are you hungry?" I shake my head, "Luca brought me some soup earlier.. and Jayden brought me pizza- which he ate." Dante hums in response as his eyes shift over my body.

I then realize I was still in my skimpy bathrobe. "My eyes are up here." I snap my fingers, trying to get his attention. "I'm aware, do you need anything else? I brought your stuff from the dorm."

"About that.. when can I go back? I have classes, Dante. And practice." I question.

"You need to rest for right now Zaria, you can figure out all of that shit later."

"I need to be in my classes Dante-"

"you need to rest. I will lock you in this damn room if I fucking have to."

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